J/A+A/609/A17 AMIGA XIII. HI properties (Jones+, 2018) ================================================================================ The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. XIII. The HI content of an almost ``nurture free'' sample Jones M.G., Espada D., Verdes-Montenegro L., Huchtmeier W.K., Lisenfeld U., Leon S., Sulentic J., Sabater J., Jones D.E., Sanchez S., Garrido J. ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Galaxy catalogs ; Galaxies, spectra ; H I data ; Radio lines ; Radial velocities ; Redshifts ; Galaxies, nearby Keywords: profiles - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: interactions - surveys - galaxies: spirals Abstract: We present the largest catalogue of HI single dish observations of isolated galaxies to date, as part of the multi-wavelength compilation being performed by the AMIGA project (Analysis of the interstellar Medium in Isolated GAlaxies). Despite numerous studies of the HI content of galaxies, no revision has been made for the most isolated L* galaxies since Haynes & Giovanelli 1984. The AMIGA sample has been demonstrated to be almost ``nurture free'', therefore, by creating scaling relations for the HI content of these galaxies we will define a metric of HI normalcy in the absence of interactions. The catalogue comprises of our own HI observations with Arecibo, Effelsberg, Nancay and GBT, and spectra collected from the literature. In total we have measurements or constraints on the HI masses of 844 galaxies from the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (CIG). The multi-wavelength AMIGA dataset includes a revision of the B-band luminosities, optical diameters, morphologies, and isolation. Due to the large size of the catalogue, these revisions permit cuts to be made to ensure isolation and a high level of completeness, which was not previously possible. With this refined dataset we fit HI scaling relations based on luminosity, optical diameter and morphology. Our regression model incorporates all the data, including upper limits, and accounts for uncertainties in both variables, as well as distance uncertainties. The HI scaling relations of the AMIGA sample define an up-to-date metric of the HI content of almost ``nurture free'' galaxies. These relations allow the expected HI mass, in the absence of interactions, of an individual galaxy to be predicted to within 0.25 dex (for typical measurement uncertainties). These relations are thus suitable for use as statistical measures of the impact of interactions on the neutral gas content of galaxies. Description: We present our compilation of global HI properties of CIG galaxies from single dish 21 cm observations. The data are approximately 50% our own observations and 50% data from the literature, as indicated in the tables themselves. All spectra were re-processed to produce a data set that is as uniform as possible. The data (including literature data) were collected with Arecibo, Effelsberg, Jodrell Bank, Nancay, Parkes, and various Green Bank telescopes. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file tableB1.dat 192 844 The observed HI properties of CIG galaxies tableB2.dat 64 844 Derived HI properties of CIG galaxies tableB3.dat 29 844 Flags -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: VII/82 : Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (Karachentseva+ 1986) J/A+A/411/391 : AMIGA project. Revised positions for CIG galaxies (Leon+ 2003) J/A+A/449/937 : AMIGA II. Morphological refinement (Sulentic+, 2006) J/A+A/462/507 : AMIGA III. IRAS data (Lisenfeld+, 2007) J/A+A/470/505 : AMIGA IV. Neighbours around CIG galaxies (Verley+, 2007) J/A+A/472/121 : AMIGA V. Isolation parameters (Verley+, 2007) J/A+A/485/475 : AMIGA VI. Radio fluxes of the isolated galaxies (Leon+ 2008) J/A+A/486/73 : AMIGA VII. FIR and radio study (Sabater+, 2008) J/A+A/532/A117 : AMIGA VIII. Flux ratio asymmetry parameter (Espada+, 2011) J/A+A/534/A102 : AMIGA IX. Molecular gas properties (Lisenfeld+, 2011) J/A+A/540/A47 : AMIGA X. Isolated galaxy colors (Fernandez Lorenzo+, 2012) J/A+A/545/A15 : AMIGA XI. Optical nuclear activity (Sabater+, 2012) J/A+A/560/A9 : AMIGA XII. Revision of isolation (Argudo-Fernandez+, 2013) Byte-by-byte Description of file: tableB1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4- 7 I4 --- cig [1-1051] CIG (VII/82), in Simbad 11- 15 F5.1 mJy Sp ? Peak 21cm flux density 20- 23 F4.1 mJy rms Root mean squared noise of spectrum 28- 31 F4.1 mJy rms_10 Root mean squared noise scaled to 10 km/s channels 36- 39 F4.1 km/s dv Spectral channel width 46- 47 I2 --- N_smo ? Number of channels smoothed over 51- 55 F5.1 --- snr_p ? Peak signal-to-noise ratio 59- 63 F5.1 --- snr_i ? Integrated signal-to-noise ratio 66- 71 F6.2 Jy.km/s S_int ? Integrated 21cm flux 76- 79 F4.2 Jy.km/s e_S_int ? Random error in integrated 21cm flux 84- 87 F4.2 --- c_beam ? Estimated beam correction factor 90- 95 F6.2 Jy.km/s S_int_c ? Corrected integrated 21cm flux 98-104 F7.1 km/s V_50 ? Heliocentric velocity measured at 50% level 108-112 F4.1 km/s e_V_50 ? Error in heliocentric velocity 117-120 F4.2 --- z_50 ? Heliocentric redshift 124-128 F5.1 km/s W_50 ? Velocity width measured at 50% level 132-136 F5.1 km/s e_W_50 ? Error in velocity width 141-144 F4.1 km/s c_inst ? Estimated instrumental broadening 149-152 F4.2 --- c_cosmo ? Inverse cosmological broadening factor 156-160 F5.1 km/s W_50_c ? Corrected velocity width 168-168 I1 --- det_code [0-2] Detection code - 0 = detection, 1 = non-detections, 2 = marginal 176-176 I1 --- qual_code ? [0-1] Spectrum quality code - 0 = OK, 1 = Caution (see tableB3.dat) 182-184 A3 --- tel_code Telescope code of observation 189-192 A4 --- ref_code ? Reference code of spectrum - If blank the observation was performed by AMIGA team Byte-by-byte Description of file: tableB2.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- 5 I4 --- cig [1-1051] CIG (VII/82), in Simbad 8- 12 I5 km/s HRV Heliocentric velocity 15- 19 I5 km/s V_mod Recession velocity corrected with Mould+2000 flow model 22- 26 F5.1 Mpc D_mod Distance = V_mod/70 - we assume h_70 = 1 30- 32 F3.1 Mpc e_D_mod Error in distance (including H0 uncertainty) 35- 39 F5.2 [Msun] log(MHI) ? log(HI mass) - we assume h_70 = 1 42- 45 F4.2 --- e_log(MHI) ? Error in log(HI mass) 49- 51 I3 km/s W_TFR Velocity width estimated from Tully-Fisher relation of Torres-Flores+2010 54- 58 F5.2 [Msun] log(MHI_l) 5-sigma limit on log(HI mass) 64- 64 I1 --- l_log(MHI) [0-1] Limit code - 1 = log.MHI_l should be used, 0 = log.MHI value should be used Byte-by-byte Description of file: tableB3.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- 5 I4 --- cig [1-1051] CIG (VII/82), in Simbad 8- 8 I1 --- fl_iso [0-1] Isolation flag - 0 = isolated, 1 = not isolated 11- 11 I1 --- fl_comp [0-1] Completeness flag - 0 = in complete sample, 1 = not in complete sample 14- 14 I1 --- fl_interp ? Interpolation flag - 0 = spectrum fit without interpolating, 1 = spectrum interpolated during fit 17- 17 I1 --- fl_sing_peak ? Single peak flag - 0 = profile is double horned, 1 = profile has single peak 20- 20 I1 --- fl_mid_peak ? Middle peak flag - 0 = profile max is in one of the horns, 1 = profile max occurs between the two horns 23- 23 I1 --- fl_off_spike ? Offset spike flag - 0 = normal spectral profile, 1 = (noise) spike near profile 26- 26 I1 --- fl_rad_vel ? Radio velocity flag - 0 = no correction, 1 = original spectrum was deemed to be recorded in radio velocity and was corrected 29- 29 I1 --- fl_digit ? Digitisation flag - 0 = digital spectrum used, 1 = no digital spectrum was available and a spectrum image was digitised ================================================================================ (End) Jones+2018 2018-01-09