J/A+A/449/937 AMIGA. II. Morphological refinement (Sulentic+, 2006) ================================================================================ The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. II. Morphological refinement. Sulentic J.W., Verdes-Montenegro L., Bergond G., Lisenfeld U., Durbala A., Espada D., Garcia E., Leon S., Sabater J., Verley S., Casanova V., Sota A. =2006A&A...449..937S ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Galaxies, optical ; Morphology Keywords: galaxies: evolution - galaxies: interactions - galaxies: luminosity function, mass function - surveys Abstract: We present a refinement of the optical morphologies for galaxies in the Catalog of Isolated Galaxies (Karachentseva et al., 1973, Cat. ) that forms the basis of the AMIGA (Analysis of the interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies) project. Uniform reclassification using the digitized POSS II data benefited from the high resolution and dynamic range of that sky survey. Comparison with independent classifications made for an SDSS overlap sample of more than 200 galaxies confirms the reliability of the early vs. late-type discrimination and the accuracy of spiral subtypes within {Delta}T=1-2. CCD images taken at the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada (OSN) were also used to solve ambiguities in early versus late-type classifications. A considerable number of galaxies in the catalog (n=193) are flagged for the presence of nearby companions or signs of distortion likely due to interaction. This most isolated sample of galaxies in the local Universe is dominated by two populations: 1) 82% are spirals (Sa-Sd) with the bulk being luminous systems with small bulges (63% between types Sb-Sc) and 2) a significant population of early-type E-S0 galaxies (14%). Description: Morphological data of the Catalog of Isolated Galaxies (CIG). File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file table1.dat 41 126 Isolated galaxies observed with the OSN 1.5-m (Observatorio de Sierra Nevada, Spain) table3.dat 19 993 New morphologies for the V<1000km/s CIG sample table4.dat 21 124 Compiled morphologies for 57 galaxies of the V<1000km/s CIG sample without new morphologies refs.dat 129 23 References table5.dat 21 58 Revised CCD morphologies from the OSN CCD database compared with the POSS II new morphologies -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: VII/82 : Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (Karachentseva+ 1986) J/A+A/411/391 : Revised positions for Cat. of Isolated galaxies (Leon+, 2003) J/A+A/436/443 : AMIGA I. Recession velocities (Verdes-Montenegro+, 2005) J/A+A/462/507 : AMIGA III. IRAS data (Lisenfeld+, 2007) J/A+A/470/505 : AMIGA IV. Neighbours around CIG galaxies (Verley+, 2007) J/A+A/472/121 : AMIGA V. Isolation parameters (Verley+, 2007) J/A+A/485/475 : AMIGA VI. GIG galaxies radio continuum properties (Leon+ 2008) J/A+A/486/73 : AMIGA VII. FIR and radio study (Sabater+, 2008) J/A+A/532/A117 : AMIGA VIII. Flux ratio asymmetry parameter (Espada+, 2011) http://www.iaa.es/AMIGA.html : AMIGA HomePage Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- CIG CIG () number (K73 NNNN in Simbad) 8 A1 --- Filt1 [BVRIb] Filter 1 designation 9 A1 --- Filt2 [VRIir] Filter 2 designation 10 A1 --- Filt3 [RI] Filter 3 designation 13- 16 I4 s Exp1 Exposure time in the Filter 1 17 A1 --- --- [/] 18- 21 I4 s Exp2 ? Exposure time in the Filter 2 22 A1 --- --- [/] 23- 26 I4 s Exp3 ? Exposure time in the Filter 3 29- 32 F4.2 arcsec Seeing1 Seeing for Filter 1 33 A1 --- --- [/] 34- 37 F4.2 arcsec Seeing2 ? Seeing for Filter 2 38 A1 --- --- [/] 39- 41 F3.1 arcsec Seeing3 ? Seeing for Filter 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table3.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- CIG CIG () number (K73 NNNN in Simbad) 8- 9 I2 --- T ? Morphological type (RC3) 10 A1 --- u_T [:] Uncertainty code (1) 15 A1 --- Bar [y/n] Presence of a bar (2) 19 A1 --- I/A [y/?] Interaction code (3) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): A ":" indicates uncertain type and need for better imaging data. Note (2): A "y" indicates secure presence and "n" clear absence of a bar. Note (3): A "y" indicates a morphologically distorted system and/or almost certain interacting system while "?" indicates evidence for interaction/asymmetry with/without certain detection of a companion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table4.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- CIG CIG () number (K73 NNNN in Simbad) 6- 18 A13 --- MType Morphology type 20- 21 I2 --- r_MType Reference number -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: refs.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 2 I2 --- Ref Reference Number 4- 22 A19 --- BibCode BibCode 24- 47 A24 --- Aut Author's name 50-129 A80 --- Com Comments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table5.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- CIG CIG () number (K73 NNNN in Simbad) 7- 8 I2 --- MTypeO OSN Morphological type (RC3) 11 A1 --- I/AO [?] OSN Interaction code (1) 17- 18 I2 --- MTypeP POSSII Morphological type (RC3) 21 A1 --- I/AP [?] POSSII Interaction code (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): A "?" indicates evidence for interaction/asymmetry with/without certain detection of a companion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements: Jose Sabater, jsm(at)iaa.es References: Leon et al., Paper I 2003A&A...411..391L, Cat. J/A+A/411/391 Lisenfeld et al., Paper III 2007A&A...462..507L, Cat. J/A+A/462/507 Verley et al., Paper IV 2007A&A...470..505V, Cat. J/A+A/470/505 Verley et al., Paper V 2007A&A...472..121V, Cat. J/A+A/472/121 Leon et al., Paper VI 2008A&A...485..475L, Cat. J/A+A/485/475 Sabater et al., Paper VII 2008A&A...486...73S, Cat. J/A+A/486/73 Espada et al., Paper VIII 2011A&A...532A.117E, Cat. J/A+A/532/A117 Lisenfeld et al., Paper IX 2011A&A...534A.102L, Cat. J/A+A/534/A102 Fernandez Lorenzo et al., Paper X 2012A&A...540A..47F, Cat. J/A+A/540/A47 ================================================================================ (End) Patricia Vannier [CDS] 31-Jan-2006