J/A+A/532/A117 AMIGA VIII. Flux ratio asymmetry parameter (Espada+, 2011) ================================================================================ The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. VIII. The rate of asymmetric H I profiles in spiral galaxies. Espada D., Verdes-Montenegro L., Huchtmeier W.K., Sulentic J., Verley S., Leon S., Sabater J. =2011A&A...532A.117E ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Galaxy catalogs ; Galaxies, radio ; H I data ; Morphology Keywords: atomic data - line: profiles - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: interactions - surveys - galaxies: spirals Abstract: Measures of the HI properties of a galaxy are among the most sensitive interaction diagnostic at our disposal. We report here on a study of HI profile asymmetries (e.g., lopsidedness) in a sample of some of the most isolated galaxies in the local Universe. This presents us with an excellent opportunity to quantify the range of intrinsic HI asymmetries in galaxies (i.e., those not induced by the environment) and provides us with a zero-point calibration for evaluating these measurements in less isolated samples. We aim to characterize the HI profile asymmetries in a sample of isolated galaxies and search for correlations between HI asymmetry and their environments, as well as their optical and far infrared (FIR) properties. We use high signal-to-noise global HI profiles for galaxies in the AMIGA project (Analysis of the Interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies, http://amiga.iaa.es). We restrict our study to N=166 galaxies (out of 312) with accurate measures of the HI shape properties. We quantify asymmetries using a flux ratio parameter. Description: Asymmetry quantification for the HI sample of isolated galaxies. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file table1.dat 30 318 Asymmetry quantification -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: VII/82 : Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (Karachentseva+ 1986) J/A+A/411/391 : AMIGA project. Revised positions for CIG galaxies (Leon+ 2003) J/A+A/436/443 : AMIGA I. Velocities of CIG galaxies (Verdes-Montenegro+ 2005) J/A+A/449/937 : AMIGA II. Morphological refinement (Sulentic+, 2006) J/A+A/462/507 : AMIGA III. IRAS data (Lisenfeld+, 2007) J/A+A/470/505 : AMIGA IV. Neighbours around CIG galaxies (Verley+, 2007) J/A+A/472/121 : AMIGA V. Isolation parameters (Verley+, 2007) J/A+A/485/475 : AMIGA VI. Radio fluxes of the isolated galaxies (Leon+ 2008) J/A+A/486/73 : AMIGA VII. FIR and radio study (Sabater+, 2008) Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- CIG CIG number (Karatchenseva 1973, Cat. VII/82) 6 I1 --- Class [0/2] Visual classification parameter (1) 8- 12 F5.3 --- AFR Flux ratio asymmetry parameter 14- 18 F5.3 --- e1 Flux ratio asymmetry parameter uncertainty owing to the HI profile rms 20- 24 F5.3 --- e2 Flux ratio asymmetry parameter uncertainty owing to the mean velocity 26- 30 F5.3 --- e_AFR Final derived uncertainty of flux ratio asymmetry parameter -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Visual classification parameter as follows: 0 = symmetric 1 = slightly asymmetric 2 = asymmetric -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements: Daniel Espada, daniel.espada(at)nao.ac.jp References: Leon et al., Paper I 2003A&A...411..391L, Cat. J/A+A/411/391 Sulentic et al., Paper II 2006A&A...449..937S Cat. J/A+A/449/937 Lisenfeld et al., Paper III 2007A&A...462..507L, Cat. J/A+A/462/507 Verley et al., Paper IV 2007A&A...470..505V, Cat. J/A+A/470/505 Verley et al., Paper V 2007A&A...472..121V, Cat. J/A+A/472/121 Leon et al., Paper VI 2008A&A...485..475L, Cat. J/A+A/485/475 Sabater et al., Paper VII 2008A&A...486...73S, Cat. J/A+A/486/73 Lisenfeld et al., Paper IX 2011A&A...534A.102L, Cat. J/A+A/534/A102 Fernandez Lorenzo et al., Paper X 2012A&A...540A..47F, Cat. J/A+A/540/A47 ================================================================================ (End) Daniel Espada [NAOJ, Japan], Patricia Vannier [CDS] 07-Jul-2011