J/A+A/578/A110 Isolated galaxies, pairs and triplets (Argudo-Fernandez+, 2015) ================================================================================ Catalogues of isolated galaxies, isolated pairs, and isolated triplets in the local Universe. Argudo-Fernandez M., Verley S., Bergond G., Duarte Puertas S., Ramos Carmona E., Sabater J., Fernandez Lorenzo M., Espada D., Sulentic J., Ruiz J.E., Leon S. =2015A&A...578A.110A ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Galaxy catalogs ; Galaxies, nearby Keywords: galaxies: general - galaxies: formation - galaxies: evolution Abstract: The construction of catalogues of galaxies and the posterior study of galaxy properties in relation to their environment, have been hampered by the scarce redshift information. The new 3-dimensional (3D) surveys permit to distinguish small, faint, physically bound satellites from a background projected galaxy population, giving a more comprehensive 3D picture of the surroundings. We aim to provide representative samples of isolated galaxies, isolated pairs, and isolated triplets for testing galaxy evolution and secular processes in low density regions of the local Universe, as well as to characterise their local and large-scale environments. We use spectroscopic data from the tenth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR10) to automatically and homogeneously compile catalogues of 3,702 isolated galaxies, 1,240 isolated pairs, and 315 isolated triplets in the local Universe (z<=0.080). To quantify the effects of their local and large-scale environments, we compute the projected density and the tidal strength for the brightest galaxy in each sample. We find evidence of isolated pairs and isolated triplets physically bound at projected separation up to d<=450kpc with radial velocity difference {Delta}v<=160km/s, where the effect of the companion typically accounts for more than 98% of the total tidal strength affecting the central galaxy. For galaxies in the catalogues, we provide their positions, redshifts, and degrees of relation with their physical and large-scale environments. The catalogues are publicly available to the scientific community. For isolated galaxies, isolated pairs, and isolated triplets there is no difference in their degree of interaction with the large-scale structure (up to 5Mpc), which may suggest that they have a common origin in their formation and evolution. We find that most of them belong to the outer parts of filaments, walls, and clusters, and generally differ from the void population of galaxies. Description: Catalogues of isolated galaxies, isolated pairs, and isolated triplets in the local Universe with positions, redshifts, and degrees of relation with their physical and large-scale environments. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file table1.dat 55 3702 SDSS-based catalogue of 3702 isolated galaxies (SIG) in 3D and relation with the large-scale environment table2.dat 34 2480 SDSS-based catalogue of 1240 isolated pairs (SIP) in 3D table3.dat 33 945 SDSS-based catalogue of 315 isolated triplets (SIT) in 3D table5.dat 38 1240 Isolated pairs: relation with their local and large-scale environments table6.dat 37 315 Isolated triplets: relation with their local and large-scale environments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: J/AJ/129/2062 : SDSS DR1 isolated galaxies (Allam+, 2005) J/AJ/136/2115 : SDSS/CIG galaxies classification (Hernandez-Toledo+, 2008) J/other/RMxAA/47.361 : AGN activity in isolated SDSS galaxies (Coziol+, 2011) J/A+A/560/A9 : AMIGA. Revision of the isolation degree (Argudo-Fernandez+, 2013) J/A+A/564/A94 : CIG sample 3-dimensional environment (Argudo-Fernandez+, 2014) Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- SIG [1/3702] Isolated galaxy identification 6- 14 F9.5 deg RAdeg J2000.0 Right Ascension in degrees 16- 24 F9.5 deg DEdeg J2000.0 Declination in degrees 26- 32 F7.5 --- z [0.005/0.08] Redshift of the galaxy 34- 36 I3 --- NLSS [0/249] Number of LSS associations 38 I1 --- f_NLSS [0/1] Footprint flag: '1' if the galaxy has a 5Mpc field radius in the SDSS footprint 40- 43 F4.2 Mpc dNN [1/5]?=- Distance to the first nearest neighbour from 1Mpc to 5Mpc 45- 49 F5.2 [Mpc-3] kLSS [-3/0]?=- Projected density estimation of the LSS 51- 55 F5.2 --- QQLSS [-9.1/-2]?=- Tidal strength estimation of the LSS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table2.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- SIP [1/1240] Isolated pair identification 6 I1 --- m_SIP [1/2] Index of the galaxy in the pair: '1' for the A galaxy, '2' for the B galaxy 8- 16 F9.5 deg RAdeg J2000.0 Right Ascension in degrees 18- 26 F9.5 deg DEdeg J2000.0 Declination in degrees 28- 34 F7.5 --- z [0.005/0.08] Redshift of the galaxy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table3.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 3 I3 --- SIT [1/315] Isolated triplet identification 5 I1 --- m_SIT [1/3] Index of the galaxy in the pair: '1' for the A galaxy, '2' for the B galaxy, '3' for the C galaxy 7- 15 F9.5 deg RAdeg J2000.0 Right Ascension in degrees 17- 25 F9.5 deg DEdeg J2000.0 Declination in degrees 27- 33 F7.5 --- z [0.005/0.08] Redshift of the galaxy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table5.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 4 I4 --- SIP [1/1240] Isolated pair identification 6- 8 I3 --- NLSS [0/199] Number of LSS associations 10 I1 --- f_NLSS [0/1] Footprint flag: '1' if the A galaxy has a 5Mpc field radius in the SDSS footprint 12- 15 F4.2 Mpc dNN [1/5]?=- Distance from the A galaxy to the first nearest neighbour of the LSS (from 1Mpc to 5Mpc) 17- 21 F5.2 [Mpc-3] kLSS [-2.7/-0.1]?=- Projected density estimation of the LSS 23- 27 F5.2 --- QQLSS [-9.2/-2]?=- Tidal strength estimation of the LSS 29- 33 F5.2 --- Qp [-6/3.1] Tidal strength estimation on the A galaxy exerced by the B galaxy 35- 38 F4.2 --- Qratio [0.1/1]?=- Relation between Qpair and the total tidal strengths on the A galaxy (Qtotal), from 0 to 1 if the isolated system amounts from 0% to 100% to the total tidal strength -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table6.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 3 I3 --- SIT [1/315] Isolated triplet identification 5- 7 I3 --- NLSS [1/115] Number of LSS associations 9 I1 --- f_NLSS [0/1] Footprint flag: '1' if the A galaxy has a 5Mpc field radius in the SDSS footprint 11- 14 F4.2 Mpc dNN [1/5] Distance from the A galaxy to the first nearest neighbour of the LSS (from 1 to 5Mpc) 16- 20 F5.2 [Mpc-3] kLSS [-2.7/-0.2]?=- Projected density estimation of the LSS 22- 26 F5.2 --- QQLSS [-7.4/-3.1] Tidal strength estimation of the LSS 28- 32 F5.2 --- Qt [-5/2.1] Tidal strength estimation on the A galaxy exerced by the B and C galaxies 34- 37 F4.2 --- Qratio [0.7/1] Relation between Qtriplet and the total tidal strengths on the A galaxy (Qtotal), from 0 to 1 if the isolated system amounts from 0% to 100% to the total tidal strength -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements: Maria del Carmen Argudo Fernandez, margudo(at)shao.ac.cn ================================================================================ (End) Patricia Vannier [CDS] 08-Apr-2015