J/MNRAS/434/325 452 AMIGA galaxies physical parameters (Fernandez Lorenzo+ 2013) ================================================================================ The stellar mass-size relation for the most isolated galaxies in the local Universe. Fernandez Lorenzo M., Sulentic J., Verdes-Montenegro L., Argudo-Fernandez M. =2013MNRAS.434..325F ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Galaxies, photometry ; Morphology Keywords: galaxies: evolution - galaxies: fundamental parameters - galaxies: general - galaxies: interactions Abstract: Disentangling processes governing the formation and evolution of galaxies is a fundamental challenge in extragalactic research. In this sense the current belief that galaxies grow by the action of minor mergers makes the study of the stellar mass-size relation in different environments an important tool for distinguishing effects of internal and external processes. The aim of this work is to study the effects of environment on the growth in size of galaxies. As part of AMIGA project (Analysis of the Interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies), we examine the stellar mass-size relation for a sample of the most isolated galaxies in the local Universe interpreted as stellar systems where evolution has been mainly governed by internal processes. Effects of environment on the stellar mass-size relation are evaluated by comparing our results with samples of less isolated early- and late-type galaxies, as well as, for the first time, different spiral subtypes. Stellar masses in our sample were derived by fitting the SED of each galaxy with kcorrect. We used two different size estimators, the half-light radius obtained with SExtractor and the effective radius calculated by fitting a Sersic profile to the i-band image of each galaxy using GALFIT.We found good agreement between those size estimators when the Sersic index fell in the range 2.5 in Simbad 6- 7 I2 --- MType Morphological type (RC3) (1) 9- 13 F5.2 mag gmag Galactic and K-corrected g-band magnitude 15- 18 F4.2 mag e_gmag Error estimate in gmag 20- 24 F5.2 mag rmag Galactic and K-corrected r-band magnitude 26- 29 F4.2 mag e_rmag Error estimate in rmag 31- 35 F5.2 mag imag Galactic and K-corrected i-band magnitude 37- 40 F4.2 mag e_imag Error estimate in imag 42- 46 F5.2 mag Ksmag Galactic and K-corrected Ks-band magnitude 48- 51 F4.2 mag e_Ksmag Error estimate in Ksmag 53- 57 F5.2 [Msun] logM(0.7) Log of stellar mass for h=0.7 (2) 59- 62 F4.2 [Msun] e_logM(0.7) Error estimate in logM(0.7) 64- 68 F5.2 kpc R50(0.7) Half-light radius derived by SExtractor for h=0.7 (2) 70- 73 F4.2 kpc e_R50(0.7) Error estimate in R50(0.7) 75- 79 F5.2 --- n Sersic index fitted by GALFIT 81- 84 F4.2 --- e_n Error estimate in n 86- 92 F7.2 kpc Re(0.7) Effective radius fitted by GALFIT for h=0.7 (2) 94- 99 F6.2 kpc e_Re(0.7) Error estimate in Re(0.7) 102-105 F4.2 --- b/a Semi-axes ratio fitted by GALFIT 107-111 F5.2 [Msun] logM(0.75) Log of stellar mass for h=0.75 (3) 113-116 F4.2 [Msun] e_logM(0.75) Error estimate in logM(0.75) 118-122 F5.2 kpc R50(0.75) Half-light radius derived by SExtractor for h=0.75 (3) 124-127 F4.2 kpc e_R50(0.75) Error estimate in R50(0.75) 129-135 F7.2 kpc Re(0.75) Effective radius fitted by GALFIT for h=0.75 (3) 137-142 F6.2 kpc e_Re(0.75) Error estimate in Re(0.75) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Visual morphological classification (Sulentic et al. 2006, Cat. J/A+A/449/937, revised in Fernandez Lorenzo et al. 2012, Cat. J/A+A/540/A47) Note (2): with h=H0/100 for H0=70km/s/Mpc. Note (3): with h=H0/100 for H0=75km/s/Mpc. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements: Mirian Fernandez Lorenzo, mirian(at)iaa.es ================================================================================ (End) Patricia Vannier [CDS] 24-Jun-2013