J/A+A/540/A96 Molecular gas in Hickson Compact Groups (Martinez-Badenes+, 2012) ================================================================================ Molecular gas content and SFR in Hickson Compact Groups: enhanced or deficient? Martinez-Badenes V. Lisenfeld U., Espada D., Verdes-Montenegro L., Garcia-Burillo S., Leon S., Sulentic J., Min Y.S. =2012A&A...540A..96M ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Clusters, galaxy ; Carbon monoxide ; H I data ; Infrared sources Keywords: ISM: molecules - galaxies: evolution - galaxies: ISM - galaxies: interactions - galaxies: star formation - galaxies: groups: general Abstract: We study the effect of the extreme environment in Hickson Compact Groups (HCGs) on the molecular gas mass, M_H2_, and the star formation rate (SFR) of galaxies as a function of atomic hydrogen (HI) content and evolutionary phase of the group. We selected a redshift-limited (D<100Mpc) sample of 88 galaxies in 20 HCGs with available atomic hydrogen (HI) VLA maps, covering a wide range of HI deficiencies and evolutionary phases of the groups containing at least one spiral galaxy. We observed the CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) lines with the IRAM 30m telescope for 47 galaxies. Together with literature data, our sample contains CO(1-0) spectra for 86 galaxies. We derived the far-infrared (FIR) luminosity L_FIR_ from IRAS data and used it as a tracer of the star formation rate (SFR). We calculated the HI mass, M_HI_ L_FIR_ and M_H2_ deficiencies, based on the values expected from L_B_ and L_K_ in isolated galaxies from the AMIGA sample. We limited our statistical analysis to spiral galaxies, since the large number of upper limits did not allow drawing strong conclusions about M_H2_ and L_FIR_ in early-type galaxies. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file table1.dat 56 87 General data for the sample table2.dat 72 89 Observed and derived molecular gas properties table3.dat 52 85 Far-infrared emission and star formation rate table5.dat 26 87 Deficiencies derived from the blue luminosity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: VII/213 : Hickson's Compact groups of Galaxies (Hickson+ 1982-1994) J/A+A/533/A142 : UV-to-IR fluxes of Hickson compact groups (Bitsakis+, 2011) Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 5 A5 --- Name Galaxy designation (G1) 7- 10 I4 km/s HRV ?=- Heliocentric radial velocity in the ratio definition 12- 14 I3 km/s sigma Velocity dispersion of the galaxies in the group 16- 19 F4.1 Mpc Dist Distance to the corresponding HCG (1) 21- 24 F4.1 --- MType ?=- Morphological type (2) 26- 29 F4.2 arcmin D25 ?=- Optical isophotal major diameter at the isophotal level 25mag/arcsec2 taken from LEDA 31- 35 F5.2 mag BcT ? Apparent blue magnitude taken from LEDA (3) 37- 41 F5.2 [Lsun] log(LB) Decimal logarithm of the blue luminosity in units of bolometric solar luminosity 43- 47 F5.2 [Lsun] log(LK) ?=- Decimal logarithm of the luminosity in the Ks-band in units of the the solar luminosity in the Ks-band (4) 49 A1 --- l_logMHI Limit flag on logMHI (5) 50- 54 F5.2 [Msun] logMHI ? Logarithm of the mass of the atomic hydrogen for galaxies observed with the VLA using different combinations of the C and D configurations 56 A1 --- Note [*] Individual note (6) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): derived from the mean heliocentric velocity of the group as D=V/H0, assuming a value of H0=75km/s/Mpc. The mean velocity of the group is calculated averaging the velocity of the individual galaxies. Note (2): given in the RC3 numerical scale (de Vaucouleur et al., 1991, Cat. VII/155). Note (3): corrected for Galactic dust extinction, internal extinction and K-correction Note (4): calculated from the extrapolated magnitude in the Ks (2.17*10^-6^m) band from the 2MASS Extended Source Catalog (Jarrett et al., 2000, Cat. VII/233) Note (5): Upper limit code for atomic gas mass as follows: < = logMHI is an upper limit > = logMHI is an upper limit (treated as a detection in the statistical analysis = logMHI is a detection Note (6): The values of LB, LK and MHI for 31ac are the sum of their respective values. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table2.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 5 A5 --- Name Galaxy designation (G1) 7 A1 --- l_ICO10 Limit flag on ICO10 (upper limit) 8- 12 F5.2 K.km/s ICO10 ?=- Velocity integrated intensity of the CO(1-0) emission 14- 17 F4.2 K.km/s e_ICO10 ?=- Error of ICO10 20- 23 F4.2 mK rmsCO10 ?=- Root-mean-square noise of the CO(1-0) spectrum 25 I1 --- r_ICO10 ?=- Reference of the CO(1-0) data (1) 27- 28 I2 arcsec beam ?=- Half power beam width of the telescope for CO(1-0) 30- 32 I3 km/s dvCO10 ?=- Line width of the CO(1-0) emission (if detected) 35 A1 --- l_ICO21 Limit flag on ICO21 (upper limit) 36- 40 F5.2 K.km/s ICO21 ?=- Velocity integrated intensity of the CO(2-1) emission 42- 45 F4.2 K.km/s e_ICO21 ?=- Error of ICO21 47- 51 F5.2 mK rmsCO21 ?=- Root-mean-square noise of the CO(2-1) spectrum 54- 56 I3 km/s dvCO21 ?=- Line width of the CO(2-1) emission (if detected) 59 A1 --- l_log(MH2)o Limit flag on log(MH2)o (upper limit) 60- 63 F4.2 [Msun] log(MH2)o ?=- logarithm of the H2 mass, calculated from the observed central ICO10 65 A1 --- l_log(MH2) Limit flag on log(MH2) (upper limit) 66- 70 F5.2 [Msun] log(MH2) ?=- logarithm of the H2 mass, extrapolated to the emission from the total disk 72 A1 --- Note [*] Note (2) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (1): Reference code for the ICO10 data as follows: 1 = our observations 2 = Leon et al. (1998A&A...330...37L) 3 = Verdes-Montenegro et al. (1998ApJ...497...89V) Note (2): The values of the observed and extrapolated MH2 for 31ac are the sum of their respective values. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table3.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 5 A5 --- Name Galaxy designation (G1) 7 I1 --- r_FIR Reference code for the FIR data (7) 9 A1 --- l_I60 Limit flag on I60 (upper limit) 10- 14 F5.2 Jy I60 IRAS flux at 60 micron, derived with the tool SCANPI 16 A1 --- l_I100 Limit flag on I100 (upper limit) 17- 21 F5.2 Jy I100 IRAS flux at 100 micron, derived with the tool SCANPI 23 A1 --- l_log(LFIR) Limit flag on log(LFIR) (upper limit) 24- 28 F5.2 [Lsun] log(LFIR) logarithm of the far-infrared luminosity 30 A1 --- l_SFR Limit flag on SFR (upper limit) 31- 35 F5.2 Msun/yr SFR Star formation rate, derived from log(LFIR) (8) 37 A1 --- l_log(SFE) Limit flag on log(SFE) (upper or lower limit) 38- 42 F5.2 [yr-1] log(SFE) ?=- Star formation efficiency, derived as SFE=SFR/MH2 44 A1 --- l_log(sSFR) Limit flag on I60 (upper limit) 45- 50 F6.2 [Msun/yr] log(sSFR) ?=- Specific star formation rate, derived as sSFR=SFR/Mstar, where Mstar is the stellar mass derived from the luminosity in the Ks band 52 A1 --- Note [*] Note (9) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (7): Reference code for FIR data as follows: 1 = our data analysis 3 = from Verdes-Montenegro et al. (1998ApJ...497...89V) Note (8): The value of the SFR is not displayed for galaxies with upper limits in both LFIR and MH2. Note (9): The SFE of 31ac has been calculated using the sum of their respective MH2. The values of I60, I100, log(LFIR) of 37a, 37b, 37c and 79a, 79b were corrected for blending on Spitzer 24 micron data (see Sect. 3.2 of the paper for more details). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Byte-by-byte Description of file: table5.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 5 A5 --- Name Galaxy designation (G1) 7 A1 --- l_def(MH2) Limit flag on def(MH2) (lower limit) 8- 12 F5.2 [Msun] def(MH2) Deficiency of the H2 mass (10) 14 A1 --- l_def(LFIR) Limit flag on def(LFIR) (lower limit) 15- 19 F5.2 [Lsun] def(LFIR) ?=- Deficiency of the FIR luminosity (10) 21 A1 --- l_def(MHI) Limit flag on def(MHI) (lower or upper limit) 22- 26 F5.2 [Msun] def(MHI) ?=- Deficiency of the HI mass (10) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note (10): a deficiency in parameter X is defined as def(X) = log(X_predicted_) - log(X_pbserved_) ; a negative deficiency implies therefore an excess with respect to the predicted value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global notes: Note (G1): following the notation of Hickson (1982, Cat. VII/213) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Acknowledgements: Ute Lisenfeld, ute(at)ugr.es ================================================================================ (End) Ute Lisenfeld [UGR], Patricia Vannier [CDS] 12-Mar-2012