J/A+A/XXX/XXX A case study of the HI content of HCG 16 (Jones+, 2019) ================================================================================ Evolution of compact groups from intermediate to final stages. A case study of the HI content of HCG 16 Jones M.G., Verdes-Montenegro L., Damas-Segovia A., Borthakur S., Yun M. S., del Olmo A., Roman J., Luna, S., Lopez Gutierrez D., Williams B., Vogt F.P.A., Garrido J., Sanchez S., Cannon J., Ramirez-Moreta P. ================================================================================ ADC_Keywords: Galaxies, spectra ; H I data ; Radio lines ; Galaxies, nearby Keywords: Abstract: Hickson Compact Group (HCG) 16 is a prototypical compact group of galaxies in an intermediate stage of the evolutionary sequence proposed by Verdes-Montenegro et al. 2001, where its galaxies are losing gas to the intra-group medium (IGrM). The group hosts galaxies that are HI-normal, HI-poor, centrally active with both AGN and starbursts, as well as a likely new member and a 160 kpc long HI tidal feature. Despite being a well-studied group at all wavelengths, no previous study of HCG 16 has focused on its extraordinary HI component. The characteristics of HCG 16 make it an ideal case study for exploring which processes are likely to dominate the late stages of evolution in compact groups, and ultimately determine their end states. In order to build a coherent picture of the evolution of this group we make use of the multi-wavelength data available, but focus particularly on HI as a tracer of interactions and evolutionary phase. We reprocess archival VLA L-band observations of HCG 16 using the multi-scale CLEAN algorithm to accurately recover diffuse features. Tidal features and galaxies are separated in 3 dimensions using the SlicerAstro package. The HI deficiency of the separated galaxies is assessed against the benchmark of recent scaling relations of isolated galaxies. This work has been performed with particular attention to reproducibility and is accompanied by a complete workflow to reproduce all the final data products, figures, and results. Despite the clear disruption of the HI component of HCG 16 we find that it is not globally HI deficient, even though HCG 16a and b have lost the majority of their HI and almost 50% of the group's HI is in the IGrM. The HI content of HCG 16d shows highly disturbed kinematics, with only a marginal velocity gradient that is almost perpendicular to its optical major axis. The $\sim$160 kpc long tail extending towards the South-East appears to be part of an even larger structure which spatially and kinematically connects NGC 848 to the North-West corner of the group. This study indicates that in the recent past (1 Gyr) galaxies HCG 16a and b likely underwent major interactions that unbound gas without triggering significant star formation. This gas was then swept away by a high speed, close encounter with NGC 848. The starburst events HCG 16c and d, likely initiated by their mutual interaction, have triggered galactic winds which, in the case of HCG 16d, appears to have disrupted its HI reservoir. The tidal features still connected to all these galaxies indicate that more HI will soon be lost to the IGrM, while that which remains in the discs will likely be consumed by star formation episodes triggered by their on-going interaction. This is expected to result in a collection of gas-poor galaxies embedded in a diffuse HI structure, which will gradually (over several Gyr) be evaporated by the UV background, resembling the final stage of the evolutionary model of compact groups. Description: Here we present the data tables from the paper which cover the optical and HI properties of the galaxies in HCG16, as well as their gas consumption timescales. File Summary: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FileName Lrecl Records Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ReadMe 80 . This file table1.dat 57 6 Summary of optical properties of HCG 16 galaxies table2.dat 47 14 Summary of HI properties of HCG 16 galaxies table3.dat 32 4 Gas masses and gas consumption timescale -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: VII/213 : Hickson's compact groups of Galaxies (Hickson+ 1982-1994) VII/155 : Third reference cat. of bright galaxies (de Vaucouleurs+ 1991) J/MNRAS/459/2948: Compact group galaxies UV and IR SFR (Lenkic+ 2016) J/A+A/540/A96 : Molecular gas in HCGs (Martinez-Badenes+ 2012) Byte-by-byte Description of file: table1.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 2 I2 --- HCG ? [1/100] HCG number (VII/213) 4 A1 --- m_HCG ? [a-i] m_HCG member galaxy (VII/213) 6-12 A7 --- name Other common name of galaxy 14 I1 h RAh [0,24[ RA (J2000) hours 16-17 I2 min RAm [0,60[ RA (J2000) minutes 19-22 F4.1 s RAs [0,60[ RA (J2000) seconds 24 A1 --- DE- [+-] Sign of declination 25-26 I2 deg DEd [0,90[ Dec (J2000) degrees 28-29 I2 arcmin DEm [0,60[ Dec (J2000) arcminutes 31-32 I2 arcsec DEs [0,60[ Dec (J2000) arcseconds 34-37 A4 --- MType Morphological type (from RC3) 39-42 I4 km/s HRV Heliocentric radial velocity (from optical lines) 44-45 I2 arcsec D25 Major isophotal diameter at 25 mag arcsec^-2 47-51 F5.2 [Lsun] logLB B-band luminosity relative to solar 53-56 F4.2 --- e_logLB Uncertainty in B-band luminosity (dex) Byte-by-byte Description of file: table2.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 2 I2 --- HCG ? [1/100] HCG number (VII/213) 4 A1 --- m_HCG ? [a-i] m_HCG member galaxy (VII/213) 6-16 A11 --- name ? Other name of galaxy/source 18-21 F4.2 Jy.km/s SHI Integrated HI flux 23-26 I4 km/s vbar Mean velocity of HI line 28-30 I3 km/s e_v Standard deviation of HI line 32-35 F4.2 [Msun] logMHI HI mass in solar masses 37-41 F5.2 --- HIdef ? HI deficiency (dex) 43-46 F4.2 --- e_HIdef ? Uncertainty in HI deficiency (dex) Byte-by-byte Description of file: table3.dat -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bytes Format Units Label Explanations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 2 I2 --- HCG [1/100] HCG number (VII/213) 4 A1 --- m_HCG [a-i] m_HCG member galaxy (VII/213) 6-10 F5.2 [Msun] logMS Stellar mass in solar masses (from Lenkic+ 2016) 12-15 F4.2 [Msun] logMHI HI mass in solar masses 17-21 F5.2 [Msun] logMH2 Molecular hydrogen mass in solar masses (from Martinex-Badenes+ 2012) 23-27 F5.2 Msun/yr SFR Star formation rate (from Lenkic+ 2016) 29-31 F3.1 Gyr Tcon Gas (atomic + molecular) consumption timescale ================================================================================ (End) Jones+2019 2019-10-10