Dpt. Astronomía Extragaláctica
Instituto Astrofísica Andalucía
Glorieta de la Astronomía s/n
18008 Granada


Publications, papers, and other research activities (updated on August 11th, 2009)

Refereed Articles

  • Lisenfeld, U.; Espada, D.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Kuno, N.; Leon, S.; Sabater, J.; Sato, N.; Sulentic, J.; Verley, S.; Yun, M. S. "The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. IX. Molecular gas properties". Astronomy and Astrophysics, 534, A102 (2011).
  • Espada, D.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Huchtmeier, W. K.; Sulentic, , J.; Verley, S.; Leon, S.; Sabater, J. "The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. VIII. The rate of asymmetric H i profiles in spiral galaxies". Astronomy and Astrophysics 532, A117 (2011).
  • Espada, D.; Muñoz-Mateos, J. C.; Gil de Paz, A.; Sabater, J.; Boissier, S.; Verley, S.; Athanassoula, E.; Bosma, A.; Leon, S.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Yun, M.; Sulentic, J. "Star Formation in the Extended Gaseous Disk of the Isolated Galaxy CIG 96". The Astrophysical Journal, 736, 20 (2011).
  • Sabater, J.; Leon, S.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.;  Lisenfeld, U.; Sulentic, J.; Verley, S., "The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. VII. Far infrared and radiocontinuum study of nuclear activity". Astronomy and Astrophysics 486, 73-83 (2008).
  • Leon, S.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Sabater, J.; Espada, D.; Ballu, A.; Lisenfeld, U.; Sulentic, J.; Verley, S.; Bergond, G.; García, E., "The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. VI. Radio continuum properties of isolated galaxies: a very radio quiet sample". Astronomy and Astrophysics 485, 475-486 (2008).
  • Verley, S.; Leon, S.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Combes, F.; Sabater, J.; Sulentic, J.; Bergond, G.; Espada, D.; García, E.; Lisenfeld, U.; Odewahn, S. C., "The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. V. Quantification of the isolation". Astronomy and Astrophysics 472, 121-130 (2007).
  • Verley, S.; Odewahn, S. C.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.;  Leon, S.; Combes, F.; Sulentic, J.; Bergond, G.;  Espada, D.; García, E.; Lisenfeld, U.; Sabater, J., "The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. IV. A catalogue of neighbours around isolated galaxies". Astronomy and Astrophysics 470, 505-513 (2007).
  • U. Lisenfeld, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Sulentic, S. Leon, D. Espada, G. Bergond, E. García, J. Sabater, J. Santander-Vela, and S. Verley, “The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies III: IRAS data and infrared diagnostics” Astronomy and Astrophysics 462, 507-523  (2007). (links: ADS entry, arXiv pre-print, arXiv abstract)
  •  Sulentic, J. W.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Bergond, G.; Lisenfeld, U.; Durbala, A.; Espada, D.; Garcia, E.; Leon, S.; Sabater, J.; Verley, S.; Casanova, V.; Sota, A., "The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. II. Morphological refinement". Astronomy and Astrophysics 449, 937-949  (2006).
  • Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Sulentic, J.; Lisenfeld, U.; Leon, S.; Espada, D.; Garcia, E.; Sabater, J.; Verley, S., "The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. I. Optical
    characterization". Astronomy and Astrophysics 436, 443-455  (2005).

In preparation:

  • Sabater, J.; Leon, S.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Sulentic, J.; Best, P. N. "The AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. X. Optical study of nuclear activity". Astronomy and Astrophysics in prep.
  • Espada, D.; Martin, S.; Ho, P. T. P.; Hsieh, P. Y.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Matsushita, S.; Sabater, J.; Krips, M.; Verley, S.; Lopez, A., "SMA CO(2–1) B0DEGA (Below 0 DEgree GAlaxies). I. Atlas of CO(2–1) observations of IR-bright southern galaxies". ApJS in prep.