Conference poster

Sponsor Institutions
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


  • Deadline: 15th September 2009
  • Instructions for authors:
  • Page limits (including Abstract/figures/tables/references) are:
    • 6 pages por review talks
    • 4 pages for contributed talks
    • 1 page for poster papers
  • Once you have your manuscript ready, email it to, properly identified.
  • In order to make the editing process easier please identify all your files with your family name, that is: <yourname.tex>, <yourname_f1.eps>, <yourname_f2.eps>, etc...
  • Do not forget to fax to us the signed copyright form and any illustration permission forms (if required).
    Fax number: +0034 958814530
    Att: Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro
  • No color figures will be accepted, so is you have color figures please try to adapt them accordingly.

For any further information, please contact isolated-info(at)


Please, send us by email a PDF file with your poster contribution and/or presentation (if revised version) in order to publish them in the conference website.