Conference poster

Sponsor Institutions
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación


Galaxies in Isolation: 
Exploring Nature vs. Nurture
Granada, 12-15 May 2009

Statistically interesting samples of isolated galaxies are beginning to emerge from several studies. Such samples allow us to better define the natural properties of local galaxies likely least affected by environment (i.e. nurture). At the same time many recent studies of interacting galaxies in systems with a few members (e.g. pairs and compact groups) yield conflicting evidence about interaction induced effects. The high redshift picture is changing rapidly, making local control samples ever more important for interpreting new observations at different wavelengths. Isolated samples provide a context within which environmental effects can be evaluated and quantified. The proposed conference will bring together researchers studying isolated samples and those trying to interpret evidence for galaxy evolution at redshifts from z = 0 to high redshifts.

The conference will take place in Granada, one the most important tourist destination in Spain. The Alhambra, the Moorish citadel and palace, is one of the most famous items of the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian historical legacy that makes Granada a hot spot among cultural and tourist cities worldwide. The Almohad urbanism with some fine examples of Moorish and Morisco constructions is preserved in the part of the city called the Albaicín.

We hope that all congress participants will take advantage of their stay, allowing them to fall in love with the enchantment of this marvellous city. The many corners, streets and small squares in the Albaicín, the magnificent views of the Alhambra from the city, the panorama from the hills and the numerous small palaces are guaranteed to provide you with unforgettable memories.

For any further information, please contact isolated-info(at)