AMIGA : Isolation

The AMIGA project adopted the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (CIG: Karachentseva 1973) as a starting point. In our previous works we identified sever

The AMIGA project adopted the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (CIG: Karachentseva 1973) as a starting point. In our previous works we identified several CIG galaxies failing Karachentseva’s criterion, hence motivating us to carefully revise the isolation of the CIG members. Hence we use this sample as a starting point to refine and perform a better quantification of its isolation properties. A catalogue of neighbours around isolated galaxies based on POSS I & II images Quantification of the isolation based on POSS I & II images Revision of isolation using the SDSS Effects of the environment on galaxies in the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies: physical satellites and large scale structure Catalogues of isolated galaxies, isolated pairs, and isolated triplets in the local Universe Close-up view of the distribution of galaxies around CIG 714 (the bottom-right galaxy) in over-plotted DSS image. The detected galaxies are marked with blue ellipses, the stars are marked by red ellipses. The objects too small or to faint to be assigned a type are shown by the green ellipses. The plate defects were removed from our object extraction. Verley et al. 2007a


The AMIGA project adopted the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies (CIG: Karachentseva 1973) as a starting point. In our previous works we identified several CIG galaxies failing Karachentseva’s criterion, hence motivating us to carefully revise the isolation of the CIG members. Hence we use this sample as a starting point to refine and perform a better quantification of its isolation properties.

A catalogue of neighbours around isolated galaxies based on POSS I & II images
Quantification of the isolation based on POSS I & II images
Revision of isolation using the SDSS
Effects of the environment on galaxies in the Catalogue of Isolated Galaxies: physical satellites and large scale structure
Catalogues of isolated galaxies, isolated pairs, and isolated triplets in the local Universe
Isolated galaxies

Close-up view of the distribution of galaxies around CIG 714 (the bottom-right galaxy) in over-plotted DSS image. The detected galaxies are marked with blue ellipses, the stars are marked by red ellipses. The objects too small or to faint to be assigned a type are shown by the green ellipses. The plate defects were removed from our object extraction.

PDF File Verley et al. 2007a