AMIGA : Oral contributions

Science | Technical AUTHORS: M. Fernández Lorenzo, J. Sulentic, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Blasco-Herrera, M. Argudo-Fernández, P. Ram&ia

Science | Technical AUTHORS: M. Fernández Lorenzo, J. Sulentic, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Blasco-Herrera, M. Argudo-Fernández, P. Ramírez-Moreta, J. Beckman TITLE: Properties of disks in isolated galaxies MEETING: The formation and evolution of exponential disks in galaxies (A Lowell Observatory Workshop) PLACE: Flagstaff, USA DATE: October, 2014 AUTHORS: M. Fernández Lorenzo, J. Sulentic, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Blasco-Herrera, M. Argudo-Fernández, P. Ramírez-Moreta, J. Garrido, J.E. Ruiz, S. Sánchez-Expósito and J.D. Santánder-Vela TITLE: (Pseudo)bulges in isolated galaxies MEETING: Evolving galaxies in evolving environments (Egee) PLACE: Bologna, Italy DATE: September, 2014 AUTHORS: M. Fernández Lorenzo, J. Sulentic, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Blasco-Herrera, M. Argudo-Fernández, P. Ramírez-Moreta, J. Garrido, J.E. Ruiz, S. Sánchez-Expósito and J.D. Santánder-Vela TITLE: Primordial pseudobulges in isolated galaxies? MEETING: XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) PUBLICATION: 2015. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, Proceedings of the XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) (Springer) PLACE: Teruel, Spain DATE: September, 2014 AUTHORS: P. Ramírez-Moreta TITLE: The AMIGA project and the asymmetries in isolated galaxies: an open question MEETING: PLACE: Mass, Amherst, MA, USA. DATE: June 26, 2014 AUTHORS: J. Blasco Herrera, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Sulentic, M. Fernández-Lorenzo, J. Gómez-López, C. Vázquez-Pérez, M. Rosado TITLE: Global kinematics of isolated galaxies MEETING: ESO 3D2014 PLACE: ESO Garching DATE: March 10, 2014 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: A multiwavelength view of isolated galaxies (Invited review) MEETING: Conference Structure and dynamics of galaxies. PUBLICATION: Conference Proceedings PLACE: Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas DATE: 6th-7th June 2013 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. on behalf of the AMIGA Team (Invited Review) TITLE: Galaxies driven only by secular evolution? MEETING: IAU 2012 Special Simposium 15: Secular evolution in galaxies. PUBLICATION: Proceedings IAU Symposium No. Volume 15, 2013 PLACE: Beijing, China DATE: August, 2012 AUTHORS: M. Fernández Lorenzo, J. Sulentic, L. Verdes-Montenegro, M. Argudo-Fernández, J.E. Ruiz, J.Sabater and S. Sánchez-Expósito. TITLE: Effects of Secular Evolution on the Star Formation History of Galaxies MEETING:IAU 2012 Special Simposium 15: Secular evolution in galaxies. PUBLICATION:Proceedings IAU Symposium No. Volume 15, 2013 PLACE:Beijing, China DATE:August, 2012 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: Study of extreme environments with SKA and pathfinders: isolated galaxies vs compact groups MEETING: Ciencia y oportunidades tecnológicas en la era SKA PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: May, 2011 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: Extragalactic astronomy with ALMA MEETING: ESO Day - Impact of ALMA on the Spanish Extragalactic Astronomy PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: February, 2011 AUTHORS: Sabater, J.,Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Bergond G., Espada, D., Leon, S., Lisenfeld, U., Martinez-Badenes. V., Ruiz, J. E., Verley, S. TITLE: Multiwavelength study of the most isolated galaxies of the Local Universe MEETING: IX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: September, 2010 AUTHORS: Espada, D. on behalf of the B0DEGA collaboration TITLE: Molecular Gas in Galaxies: The SMA CO(2-1) Legacy Project MEETING: Molecules in Galaxies PLACE: Oxford, UK DATE: July, 2010 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Pérez, I., Espada, D., Lisenfeld, U., Zurita. A., and Martinez-Badenes, V. TITLE: Census of molecular gas in isolated galaxies MEETING: Molecules in Galaxies PLACE: Oxford, UK DATE: July, 2010 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Bergond G., Espada, D., Leon, S., Lisenfeld, U., Martinez-Badenes. V., Ruiz, J. E., Sabater, J., Verley, S. TITLE: A GALAXY BASELINE: Multiwavelength Study of a Sample of the Most Isolated Galaxies in the Local Universe MEETING: Galaxies and their Masks - Ken Freeman 70th Birthday Fest PUBLICATION: To appear in "Galaxies and their Masks" eds. Block, D.L., Freeman, K.C. & Puerari, I., 2010, Springer (New York) PLACE: Namibia DATE: April, 11-17, 2010 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Borthakur, S.,Ponman, T.,Rasmussen, J.,Yun, M. S.,Espada, D.,Lisenfeld,U. TITLE: Cold gas in extremely deficient compact groups MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture PLACE: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia DATE: July, 2009 AUTHORS: Verley, S.& AMIGA group TITLE: Quantification of the isolation of 950 CIG galaxies MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture PUBLICATION: ASP Conference Series PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: May, 12--15, 2009 AUTHORS: Espada, D.& AMIGA group TITLE: Setting the normalcy level of HI properties in isolated galaxies MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture PUBLICATION: ASP Conference Series PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: May, 12--15, 2009 AUTHORS: Sabater, J.& AMIGA group TITLE: Active galaxies in a complete sample of isolated galaxies MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture PUBLICATION: ASP Conference Series PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: May, 12--15, 2009 AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D. & AMIGA group TITLE: Recovering isolated galaxies from large scale surveys: Problems & Strategies MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture PUBLICATION: ASP Conference Series PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: May, 12--15, 2009 AUTHORS: Sulentic,J. TITLE: Isolated galaxies - History of research and ideas over the past 40 years MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture PUBLICATION: ASP Conference Series PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: May, 12--15, 2009 AUTHORS: Espada, D. TITLE: Studying galaxy evolution in isolated galaxies with ALMA MEETING: Impact of ALMA on the spanish extragalactic astronomy PLACE: IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain DATE: 11--13 February 2009 AUTHORS: Verley, S. TITLE: Environment and star formation of isolated galaxies in the local Universe MEETING: DAEC PLACE: UNAM - Mexico DATE: 4 December 2008 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: Radioastronomical activities of AMIGA group MEETING: NAIC/CORNELL – CSIC – Univ. Metropolitana Meeting PLACE: IAA, Granada DATE: 28 October 2008 AUTHORS: Sabater,J., Leon,S., Verdes-Montenegro,L., Lisenfeld,U., Sulentic,J., Verley,S., Espada,D., Ballu,A., Bergond,G., García,E. TITLE: Radiocontínuo y actividad nuclear en galaxias aisladas MEETING: VIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society PUBLICATION: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V, Proceedings of the eighth Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) (Springer) PLACE: Santander, Spain DATE: 7--11 July 2008 AUTHORS: Rasmussen, J.; Ponman, T.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Yun, M.; Borthakur, S. TITLE: The Diverse X-ray Properties Of Compact Galaxy Groups: Implications For Galaxy Evolution MEETING: American Astronomical Society Meeting PUBLICATION: Head Meeting 10, 29.05 PLACE: USA DATE: January, 2008 AUTHORS: Yun, M. S.; Borthakur, S.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Ponman, T.; Rasmussen, J. TITLE: Galaxy Evolution in Groups: A Chandra and VLA Study MEETING: American Astronomical Society Meeting PUBLICATION: AAS Meeting 210, 32.01 PLACE: USA DATE: 2007 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Yun, M. S., Borthakur, S., Rasmussen, J., Ponman, T. TITLE: Cold and hot gas in the most HI deficient compact groups MEETING: The fate of the gas in galaxies PUBLICATION: New Astronomy Reviews, Volume 51, Issue 1-2, p. 87-89 PLACE: Dwingeloo, Netherlands DATE: July 2006 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Borthakur, S., Yun, M., Athanassoula, E., Bergond, G., Bosma, A., Espada, D., Garcia, E., Huchtmeier, W., Leon, S., Lisenfeld, U., Odewahn, S., Sabater, J., Sellim, Sulentic, J., Verley, S. TITLE: ISM of galaxies in extremely different environments: isolated vs compact groups MEETING: Groups of galaxies in the nearby Universe PUBLICATION: Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe, Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held at Santiago de Chile, 5-9 December 2005. Edited by I. Saviane, V.D. Ivanov, J. Borissova, 2006. ESO ASTROPHYSICS SYMPOSIA. ISBN 978-3-540-71172-8. Springer-Verlag, 2007, p. 349 PLACE: Santiago de Chile DATE: December, 2005 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Lisenfeld, U., Leon, S., Espada, D., Garcia, E., Sabater, J., Verley, S. TITLE: The ISM of the most isolated galaxies: The AMIGA project MEETING: The many scales of the Universe JENAM 2004 PUBLICATION: Proceedings PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: 13--17 September 2004 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Espada, D., Leon, S., Lisenfeld, U., Huchtmeier, W., Odewahn, S., Verley, S. Yun, M. S., Combes, F. TITLE: A Reference Sample: ISM for the Most Isolated Galaxies MEETING: The Environments of Galaxies: from Kiloparsecs to Megaparsecs PUBLICATION: International Astronomical Union Symposium no. 217, held 14-17 July, 2003 in Sydney, Australia. Edited by P.-A. Duc, J. Braine, and E. Brinks. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004., p.220 PLACE: Crete, Greece DATE: August 2004 AUTHORS: Espada, D. TITLE: Atomic gas (HI) in Isolated Galaxies MEETING: IAA PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: 2004 AUTHORS: Espada, D., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Leon, S.,Lisenfeld, U. , Huchtmeier, W., Odewahn, S. ,Verley, S., Yun, M. S.,Combes, F., Garcia, E. TITLE: ISM in isolated galaxies MEETING: Young European Radio Astronomy Congress (YERAC) XXIII PLACE: Bonn, Germany DATE: September 2003 AUTHORS: Espada, D., Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: Interstellar medium in Isolated galaxies MEETING: Vatican Observatory Summer School PLACE: Castel Gandolfo, Italy DATE: June/July 2003 AUTHORS: Verley, S., Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: Isolated galaxies Part I MEETING: Vatican Observatory Summer School PLACE: Castel Gandolfo, Italy DATE: June/July 2003 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sempere, M. J., Cernicharo, J., Sulentic, J. TITLE: Properties of a sample of the most isolated galaxies TYPE OF CONTRIBUTION: Oral MEETING: The promise of FIRST PUBLICATION: The Promise of the Herschel Space Observatory. Eds. G.L. Pilbratt, J. Cernicharo, A.M. Heras, T. Prusti, & R. Harris. ESA-SP 460, p. 515 PLACE: Toledo, Spain DATE: 12--15 December 2000 Science | Technical AUTHORS: Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro, J. Garrido TITLE: Spanish participation in the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) MEETING: Spanish SKA Day DATE: 23 Octubre 2014 PLACE: Granada AUTHORS: Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro TITLE: The Square Kilometer Array Project (SKA) MEETING: III HPC Users Group DATE: 24 Octubre 2014 PLACE: Granada AUTHORS: Susana Sanchez TITLE: SKA element in a nutshell MEETING: III HPC Users Group DATE: 24 Octubre 2014 PLACE: Granada AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E.on behalf of the AMIGA Team TITLE: Velocity cubes of galaxies MEETING: 2014 IVOA Fall Interop PLACE: Banff, Canada DATE: 10 October 2014 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the AMIGA Team TITLE: Implementing a VO Archive for datacubes of galaxies MEETING: 2014 IVOA Spring Interop PLACE: ESAC, Madrid DATE: 20 May 2014 AUTHORS: Garrido, J. on behalf of the AMIGA Team TITLE: AstroTaverna and VO Workflows MEETING: 2014 IVOA Spring Interop PLACE: ESAC, Madrid DATE: 21 May 2014 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever and CANUBE Teams TITLE: Digital Science: Towards the Executable Paper MEETING: Document Freedom Day 2014 PLACE: CEVUG, Granada DATE: 26 March 2014 AUTHORS: Verdes- Montenegro, L. TITLE: Love for science or academic prostitution MEETING: Document Freedom Day 2014 PLACE: CEVUG, Granada DATE: 26 March 2014 AUTHORS: Sánchez, S., Ruiz, J.E.,Vogelaar, M.G.R,Terlouw, J.P., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D., van der Hulst, J.M, Garrido, J. TITLE: GUipsy A Virtual Observatory compliant tool for the kinematical modelling of HI datacubes MEETING: 3D2014: Gas and stars in galaxies: A multi-wavelength 3D perspective PLACE: ESO Garching DATE: 10-14 March 2014 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever and CANUBE Teams TITLE: Digital Science: Towards the Executable Paper MEETING: IAA - CSIC Seminars PLACE: Granada DATE: 31 October 2013 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D., Garrido, J. TITLE:Spanish technological participation in the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) design: VIA-SKA project MEETING: Encuentro RIA-AstroMadrid. Desarrollo de instrumentación astronómica en España. Perspectivas y estrategia para la próxima década. PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: 25-27 September 2013 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Digital Science: Reproducibility and Visibility in Astronomy MEETING: SCIOPS 2013 PLACE: ESAC DATE: 13 September 2013 AUTHORS: Sanchez-Expósito, S., Martin, P., Ruiz, J.E., Ortega, E., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Ruiz-Falcó, A., Garrido, J., Santander-Vela, JdD, Sirvent, R., Tejedor, E., Badia, R.M. and Lorenzana, J. TITLE: Deploying astronomical workflows in heterogeneous distributed computing infrastructures MEETING: IWSG 2013 - International Workshop on Science Gateways PLACE: Zurich, Switzerland DATE: 5 June 2013 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Workflows for Access and Massage VOData MEETING: 2013 IVOA Spring Interop Meeting PLACE: Heidelberg, Germay DATE: 16 May 2013 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D. TITLE:Renewable Energy for Radio Astronomy MEETING: AERAP Workshop: AERAP Framework Platform Discussion Workshop PLACE: European Parlament, Brussels DATE: 6th March 2013 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Digital Science: Reproducibility and Visibility in Astronomy MEETING: ESAC Faculty Seminar PLACE: ESAC, Spain DATE: 18 January 2013 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D. TITLE:The Spanish VIA-SKA project an Iberian Industry-Academia example MEETING: The Square Kilometer Array: a large Scale ESFRI Infrastructure, From the Cosmos to the Ci>es of the future PLACE: Lisbon, Portugal DATE: 30 November 2012 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Research Objects and Web Service Characterization MEETING: 8th VOFrance Workflow WG Meeting PLACE: Observatoire Paris-Meudon, France DATE: 29 November 2012 AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D., Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE:AMIGA: SKA Stage 1: Project Execution Plan, Work Breakdown Structure, & Request for Proposals MEETING: SKA: Strategic Position and Future Opportunities for Spanish Industry PLACE: CSIC, Madrid DATE: 23 November 2012 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D. TITLE:VIA-SKA and Spanish participation in the SKA: status, milestones, and the road ahead MEETING: SKA: Strategic Position and Future Opportunities for Spanish Industry PLACE: CSIC, Madrid DATE: 23 November 2012 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., AMIGA and Wf4Ever Teams TITLE: e-Science for the SKA (Wf4Ever: Supporting Reuse and Reproducibility in Experimental Science) MEETING: Advanced radio interferometry, commissioning skills and preparation for the SKA PLACE: Manchester, UK DATE: 15 November 2012 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Research Objects in Wf4Ever MEETING: 2012 IVOA Fall Interop Meeting PLACE: Sao Paolo, Brazil DATE: 23 October 2012 AUTHORS: Garrido, J. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Wf4Ever: AstroTaverna MEETING: 2012 IVOA Fall Interop Meeting PLACE: Sao Paolo, Brazil DATE: 23 October 2012 AUTHORS: Garrido, J. TITLE: PDL services integration in Taverna MEETING: 2012 IVOA Fall Interop Meeting PLACE: Sao Paolo, Brazil DATE: 23 October 2012 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. TITLE: Curation and Characterization of Web Services MEETING: 2012 IVOA Fall Interop Meeting PLACE: Sao Paolo, Brazil DATE: 23 October 2012 AUTHORS: Sánchez, S., Ruiz, J.E., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Garrido, J., Santander-Vela, J. D., and Wf4Ever team. TITLE: WF4Ever: Supporting Reuse and Reproducibility in Experimental Science MEETING: EGI Technical Forum PLACE: Prague, Czech Republic DATE: 21 September 2012 AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D., Ruiz, J.E., Sánchez, S., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Garrido, J TITLE: e-Science for the Square Kilometre Array MEETING: IAU 2012 Special Simposium 15: Data Intensive Astronomy PLACE: Beijing, China DATE: 29 August 2012 AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D., and Stoehr, F. TITLE: How the VO helped building the ALMA Science Archive MEETING: X Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) PLACE: Valencia, Spain DATE: 10 July 2012 AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S.,Ruiz, J.E., Verdes-Montenegro, L. Garrido, J., Santander-Vela, J.D. and the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: TheAstronomy challenge: How can workflow preservation help? MEETING: SHIWA Summer School PLACE: Budapest, Hungary DATE: 03 July, 2012 AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S., Ruiz, J.E.,Verdes-Montenegro, L.,Santander-Vela, J.D.,Ruiz-Falcó, A.,Badia, R. M.,Sirvent, R.,Martínez,J.M. TITLE: Workflows and infrastructures in the Exaescale era MEETING: 6ª Reunión plenaria de la Red Española de e-Ciencia PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: May, 2012 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sánchez Expósito S., Santander-Verla, J.D. TITLE: Wf4Ever: Workflow Preservation MEETING: 2012 AS OV France PLACE: Paris, France DATE: 18 January 2012 AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D. TITLE: Workflows for Methodology and Science Preservation MEETING: ADASS XXI 2011 PUBLICATION: ADASS XXI Proceedings PLACE: Paris, France DATE: 9 November 2011 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. TITLE: Use of CharDM in an archive of velocity cubes MEETING: Pune 2011 IVOA Fall Interop PLACE: Pune, India DATE: 20 October 2011 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. TITLE: Workflows in the VO MEETING: Pune 2011 IVOA Fall Interop PLACE: Pune, India DATE: 19 October 2011 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. and the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Workflow Preservation MEETING: Pune 2011 IVOA Fall Interop PLACE: Pune, India DATE: 17 October 2011 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE:The Square Kilometer Array MEETING: XXXIII Reunión Bienal de Física de la RSEF PLACE: Santader, Spain DATE: September, 2011 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. TITLE:VO web-services-based astronomy workflows MEETING: Seminar for the Information Management Group - School of Computer Sciences - Univ. Manchester PLACE: Manchester, UK DATE: 13 July 2011 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE:UK e-Science. A vision from outer space. MEETING: UK e-Science 10 years celebration PLACE: Oxford, UK DATE: June, 2011 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE:SKA data-deluge: e-Science solutions MEETING: Ciencia y oportunidades tecnológicas en la era SKA PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: May, 2011 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. TITLE: Web services based workflows to deal with 3D data MEETING: The Growing Demands on Connectivity and Information Processing in Radio Astronomy - From VLBI to the SKA PLACE: Aveiro, Portugal DATE: 25 May 2011 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E.and the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Wf4Ever: Curating and preserving collaborative digital experiments MEETING: Naples 2011 IVOA Spring Interop PLACE: Naples, Italy DATE: 19 May 2011 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E.and the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Wf4Ever: Collaborative digital experiments MEETING: .Astronomy Conference PLACE: Oxford, UK DATE: 04 April 2011 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E.and the Wf4Ever Team TITLE: Wf4Ever: Advanced Workflow Preservation Technologies for Enhanced Science MEETING: Nara 2010 IVOA Fall Interop PLACE: Nara, Japan DATE: 08 December 2010 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. TITLE: B0DEGA 3D VO Archive: A prototype service for a catalog of galaxy datacubes MEETING: Nara 2010 IVOA Fall Interop PLACE: Nara, Japan DATE: 07 December 2010 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. TITLE: Multidimensional Data in the Virtual Observatory MEETING: SVO Meeting - IX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: 15 September 2010 AUTHORS: Sánchez-Expósito, S. TITLE: Gestión y flujo de trabajo en Grid MEETING: Curso CSIC Iniciación a las Tecnologías Grid PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: 08--12 Marzo 2010 AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S. TITLE: Pasos previos para el acceso al Grid MEETING: Curso CSIC Iniciación a las Tecnologías Grid PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: 08--12 Marzo 2010 AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S. TITLE: Arquitectura del WLCG/EGEE MEETING: Curso CSIC Iniciación a las Tecnologías Grid PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: 08--12 Marzo 2010 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. TITLE: El Observatorio Virtual MEETING: III Reunión de e-Ciencia Andaluza PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: 19--20 January 2010 AUTHORS: Sabater, J.,Sánchez Expósito S., and Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: Integración del software STARLIGHT en el GRID MEETING: III Reunión Plenaria de la Red Española de e-Ciencia PLACE: Valencia, Spain DATE: 29 Octubre 2009 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: Radio-VO developments of AMIGA within the context of ALMA MEETING: ASTRID: ALMA and EELT PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: 23--25 September 2009 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: ALMA 3D: Analysis, visualization and VO tools for datacubes MEETING: Impact of ALMA on the spanish extragalactic astronomy PLACE: IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain DATE: 11--13 February 2009 AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D. TITLE: Data Models for Radio Astronomy MEETING: Multiwavelength Astronomy and VO Workshop PUBLICATION: Proceedings PLACE: ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo, Spain DATE: 1st--3rd December 2008 AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D. TITLE: Data Provenance in the VO MEETING: Fall 2008 IVOA InterOp PLACE: STSci Institute, Baltimore, MD DATE: 27--31 October 2008 AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S.,Ruedas, J. TITLE: Organización Virtual y Testbed MEETING: II Reunión sobre e-Ciencia Andaluza PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: 16 October 2008 AUTHORS: Leon, S. TITLE: Archivo en el radiotelescopio IRAM-30m y el Observatorio Virtual MEETING: II Reunión sobre e-Ciencia Andaluza (e-CA) PLACE: Granada, Spain DATE: 16 October 2008 AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E., Santander-Vela, J.D., García, E., Espigares, V., Leon, S., Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: Actividades de software VO dentro del grupo AMIGA MEETING: VIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society PUBLICATION: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V, Proceedings of the eighth Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) (Springer) PLACE: Santander, Spain DATE: 7--11 July 2008 AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. TITLE: ALMA 3D: VO-compliant archive and datacube analysis MEETING: RIA Workshop, Spanish Exploitation of ALMA PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: 18 June, 2008 AUTHORS: Espada, D.,Matsushita, S.,Liu, al. TITLE: Phase Calibration at the SMA MEETING: RIA Workshop, Spanish Exploitation of ALMA PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: 18 June, 2008 AUTHORS: Ruiz,J.E. TITLE: How to Publish Data in the VO with DM Mapper MEETING: ESAC EURO-VO Workshop: How to publish data in the VO PLACE: Madrid, Spain DATE: 25 June, 2007

Oral contributions

Science | Technical

AUTHORS: M. Fernández Lorenzo, J. Sulentic, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Blasco-Herrera, M. Argudo-Fernández, P. Ramírez-Moreta, J. Beckman
TITLE: PDF File Properties of disks in isolated galaxies
MEETING: The formation and evolution of exponential disks in galaxies (A Lowell Observatory Workshop)
PLACE: Flagstaff, USA
DATE: October, 2014
AUTHORS: M. Fernández Lorenzo, J. Sulentic, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Blasco-Herrera, M. Argudo-Fernández, P. Ramírez-Moreta, J. Garrido, J.E. Ruiz, S. Sánchez-Expósito and J.D. Santánder-Vela
TITLE: PDF File (Pseudo)bulges in isolated galaxies
MEETING: Evolving galaxies in evolving environments (Egee)
PLACE: Bologna, Italy
DATE: September, 2014
AUTHORS: M. Fernández Lorenzo, J. Sulentic, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Blasco-Herrera, M. Argudo-Fernández, P. Ramírez-Moreta, J. Garrido, J.E. Ruiz, S. Sánchez-Expósito and J.D. Santánder-Vela
TITLE: PDF File Primordial pseudobulges in isolated galaxies?
MEETING: XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA)
PUBLICATION: 2015. Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VIII, Proceedings of the XI Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) (Springer)
PLACE: Teruel, Spain
DATE: September, 2014
AUTHORS: P. Ramírez-Moreta
TITLE: The AMIGA project and the asymmetries in isolated galaxies: an open question
PLACE: Mass, Amherst, MA, USA.
DATE: June 26, 2014
AUTHORS: J. Blasco Herrera, L. Verdes-Montenegro, J. Sulentic, M. Fernández-Lorenzo, J. Gómez-López, C. Vázquez-Pérez, M. Rosado
TITLE: PDF File Global kinematics of isolated galaxies
PLACE: ESO Garching
DATE: March 10, 2014
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: A multiwavelength view of isolated galaxies (Invited review)
MEETING: Conference Structure and dynamics of galaxies.
PUBLICATION: PDF File Conference Proceedings
PLACE: Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas
DATE: 6th-7th June 2013
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L. on behalf of the AMIGA Team (Invited Review)
TITLE: Galaxies driven only by secular evolution?
MEETING: IAU 2012 Special Simposium 15: Secular evolution in galaxies.
PUBLICATION: PDF File Proceedings IAU Symposium No. Volume 15, 2013
PLACE: Beijing, China
DATE: August, 2012
AUTHORS: M. Fernández Lorenzo, J. Sulentic, L. Verdes-Montenegro, M. Argudo-Fernández, J.E. Ruiz, J.Sabater and S. Sánchez-Expósito.
TITLE: PDF File Effects of Secular Evolution on the Star Formation History of Galaxies
MEETING: IAU 2012 Special Simposium 15: Secular evolution in galaxies.
PUBLICATION: Proceedings IAU Symposium No. Volume 15, 2013
PLACE: Beijing, China
DATE: August, 2012
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File Study of extreme environments with SKA and pathfinders: isolated galaxies vs compact groups
MEETING:  Ciencia y oportunidades tecnológicas en la era SKA
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: May, 2011
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File Extragalactic astronomy with ALMA
MEETING:  ESO Day - Impact of ALMA on the Spanish Extragalactic Astronomy
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: February, 2011
AUTHORS: Sabater, J., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Bergond G., Espada, D., Leon, S., Lisenfeld, U., Martinez-Badenes. V., Ruiz, J. E., Verley, S.
TITLE: PDF File Multiwavelength study of the most isolated galaxies of the Local Universe
MEETING: IX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: September, 2010
AUTHORS: Espada, D. on behalf of the B0DEGA collaboration
TITLE: PDF File Molecular Gas in Galaxies: The SMA CO(2-1) Legacy Project
MEETING: Molecules in Galaxies
PLACE: Oxford, UK
DATE: July, 2010
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Pérez, I., Espada, D., Lisenfeld, U., Zurita. A., and Martinez-Badenes, V.
TITLE: PDF File Census of molecular gas in isolated galaxies
MEETING: Molecules in Galaxies
PLACE: Oxford, UK
DATE: July, 2010
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Bergond G., Espada, D., Leon, S., Lisenfeld, U., Martinez-Badenes. V., Ruiz, J. E., Sabater, J., Verley, S.
TITLE: PDF File A GALAXY BASELINE: Multiwavelength Study of a Sample of the Most Isolated Galaxies in the Local Universe
MEETING: Galaxies and their Masks - Ken Freeman 70th Birthday Fest
PUBLICATION: PDF File To appear in "Galaxies and their Masks" eds. Block, D.L., Freeman, K.C. & Puerari, I., 2010, Springer (New York)
PLACE: Namibia
DATE: April, 11-17, 2010
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Borthakur, S., Ponman, T., Rasmussen, J., Yun, M. S., Espada, D., Lisenfeld, U.
TITLE: PDF File Cold gas in extremely deficient compact groups
MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture
PLACE: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
DATE: July, 2009
AUTHORS: Verley, S. & AMIGA group
TITLE: PDF File Quantification of the isolation of 950 CIG galaxies
MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture
PUBLICATION: PDF File ASP Conference Series
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: May, 12--15, 2009
AUTHORS: Espada, D. & AMIGA group
TITLE: PDF File Setting the normalcy level of HI properties in isolated galaxies
MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture
PUBLICATION: PDF File ASP Conference Series
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: May, 12--15, 2009
AUTHORS: Sabater, J. & AMIGA group
TITLE: PDF File Active galaxies in a complete sample of isolated galaxies
MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture
PUBLICATION: PDF File ASP Conference Series
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: May, 12--15, 2009
AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D. & AMIGA group
TITLE: PDF File Recovering isolated galaxies from large scale surveys: Problems & Strategies
MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture
PUBLICATION: PDF File ASP Conference Series
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: May, 12--15, 2009
AUTHORS: Sulentic, J.
TITLE: PDF File Isolated galaxies - History of research and ideas over the past 40 years
MEETING: Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture
PUBLICATION: ASP Conference Series
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: May, 12--15, 2009
AUTHORS: Espada, D.
TITLE: PDF File Studying galaxy evolution in isolated galaxies with ALMA
MEETING: Impact of ALMA on the spanish extragalactic astronomy
PLACE: IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain
DATE: 11--13 February 2009
AUTHORS: Verley, S.
TITLE: PDF File Environment and star formation of isolated galaxies in the local Universe
PLACE: UNAM - Mexico
DATE: 4 December 2008
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File Radioastronomical activities of AMIGA group
MEETING: NAIC/CORNELL – CSIC – Univ. Metropolitana Meeting
PLACE: IAA, Granada
DATE: 28 October 2008
AUTHORS: Sabater, J., Leon, S., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Lisenfeld, U., Sulentic, J., Verley, S., Espada, D., Ballu, A., Bergond, G., García, E.
TITLE: PDF File Radiocontínuo y actividad nuclear en galaxias aisladas
MEETING: VIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society
PUBLICATION: Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V, Proceedings of the eighth Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) (Springer)
PLACE: Santander, Spain
DATE: 7--11 July 2008
AUTHORS: Rasmussen, J.; Ponman, T.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Yun, M.; Borthakur, S.
TITLE: The Diverse X-ray Properties Of Compact Galaxy Groups: Implications For Galaxy Evolution
MEETING: American Astronomical Society Meeting
PUBLICATION: Head Meeting 10, 29.05
DATE: January, 2008
AUTHORS: Yun, M. S.; Borthakur, S.; Verdes-Montenegro, L.; Ponman, T.; Rasmussen, J.
TITLE: Galaxy Evolution in Groups: A Chandra and VLA Study
MEETING: American Astronomical Society Meeting
PUBLICATION: AAS Meeting 210, 32.01
DATE: 2007
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Yun, M. S., Borthakur, S., Rasmussen, J., Ponman, T.
TITLE: Cold and hot gas in the most HI deficient compact groups
MEETING: The fate of the gas in galaxies
PUBLICATION: PDF File New Astronomy Reviews, Volume 51, Issue 1-2, p. 87-89
PLACE: Dwingeloo, Netherlands
DATE: July 2006
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Borthakur, S., Yun, M., Athanassoula, E., Bergond, G.,  Bosma, A., Espada, D., Garcia, E., Huchtmeier, W., Leon, S., Lisenfeld, U., Odewahn, S., Sabater, J., Sellim, Sulentic, J., Verley, S.
TITLE: PDF File ISM of galaxies in extremely different environments: isolated vs compact groups
MEETING: Groups of galaxies in the nearby Universe
PUBLICATION: PDF File Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe, Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held at Santiago de Chile, 5-9 December 2005. Edited by I. Saviane, V.D. Ivanov, J. Borissova, 2006. ESO ASTROPHYSICS SYMPOSIA. ISBN 978-3-540-71172-8. Springer-Verlag, 2007, p. 349
PLACE: Santiago de Chile
DATE: December, 2005
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Lisenfeld, U., Leon, S., Espada,  D., Garcia, E., Sabater, J., Verley, S.
TITLE: The ISM of the most isolated galaxies: The AMIGA project
MEETING: The many scales of the Universe JENAM 2004
PUBLICATION: Proceedings
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: 13--17 September 2004
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Espada, D., Leon, S., Lisenfeld, U., Huchtmeier, W., Odewahn, S., Verley, S. Yun, M. S., Combes, F.
TITLE: A Reference Sample: ISM for the Most Isolated Galaxies
MEETING: The Environments of Galaxies: from Kiloparsecs to Megaparsecs
PUBLICATION: PDF File International Astronomical Union Symposium no. 217, held 14-17 July, 2003 in Sydney, Australia. Edited by P.-A. Duc, J. Braine, and E. Brinks. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2004., p.220
PLACE: Crete, Greece
DATE: August 2004
AUTHORS: Espada, D.
TITLE: PDF File Atomic gas (HI) in Isolated Galaxies
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: 2004
AUTHORS:  Espada, D., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sulentic, J., Leon,  S.,Lisenfeld,  U. , Huchtmeier,  W., Odewahn, S. ,Verley, S., Yun,  M. S.,Combes, F., Garcia, E.
TITLE: ISM in isolated galaxies
MEETING:  Young European Radio Astronomy Congress (YERAC) XXIII
PLACE: Bonn, Germany
DATE: September 2003
AUTHORS: Espada, D., Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: Interstellar medium in Isolated galaxies
MEETING: Vatican Observatory Summer School
PLACE: Castel Gandolfo, Italy
DATE: June/July 2003
AUTHORS: Verley, S., Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File Isolated galaxies Part I
MEETING: Vatican Observatory Summer School
PLACE: Castel Gandolfo, Italy
DATE: June/July 2003
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sempere, M. J., Cernicharo, J., Sulentic, J.
TITLE: PDF File Properties of a sample of the most isolated galaxies
MEETING: The promise of FIRST
PUBLICATION: PDF File The Promise of the Herschel Space Observatory. Eds. G.L. Pilbratt, J. Cernicharo, A.M. Heras, T. Prusti, & R. Harris. ESA-SP 460, p. 515
PLACE: Toledo, Spain
DATE: 12--15 December 2000

Science | Technical 

AUTHORS: Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro, J. Garrido
TITLE: PDF FileSpanish participation in the Square Kilometer Array (SKA)
MEETING: Spanish SKA Day
DATE: 23 Octubre 2014
PLACE: Granada
AUTHORS: Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro
TITLE: PDF FileThe Square Kilometer Array Project (SKA)
DATE: 24 Octubre 2014
PLACE: Granada
AUTHORS: Susana Sanchez
TITLE:PDF File SKA element in a nutshell
DATE: 24 Octubre 2014
PLACE: Granada
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the AMIGA Team
TITLE: PDF File Velocity cubes of galaxies
MEETING: 2014 IVOA Fall Interop
PLACE: Banff, Canada
DATE: 10 October 2014
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the AMIGA Team
TITLE: PDF File Implementing a VO Archive for datacubes of galaxies
MEETING: 2014 IVOA Spring Interop
DATE: 20 May 2014
AUTHORS: Garrido, J. on behalf of the AMIGA Team
TITLE: PDF File AstroTaverna and VO Workflows
MEETING: 2014 IVOA Spring Interop
DATE: 21 May 2014
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever and CANUBE Teams
TITLE: PDF File Digital Science: Towards the Executable Paper
MEETING: Document Freedom Day 2014
DATE: 26 March 2014
AUTHORS: Verdes- Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File Love for science or academic prostitution
MEETING: Document Freedom Day 2014
DATE: 26 March 2014
AUTHORS: Sánchez, S., Ruiz, J.E.,Vogelaar, M.G.R,Terlouw, J.P., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D., van der Hulst, J.M, Garrido, J.
TITLE: PDF File GUipsy A Virtual Observatory compliant tool for the kinematical modelling of HI datacubes
MEETING: 3D2014: Gas and stars in galaxies: A multi-wavelength 3D perspective
PLACE: ESO Garching
DATE: 10-14 March 2014
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever and CANUBE Teams
TITLE: PDF File Digital Science: Towards the Executable Paper
PLACE: Granada
DATE: 31 October 2013
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D., Garrido, J.
TITLE:PDF File Spanish technological participation in the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) design: VIA-SKA project
MEETING: Encuentro RIA-AstroMadrid. Desarrollo de instrumentación astronómica en España. Perspectivas y estrategia para la próxima década.
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: 25-27 September 2013
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Digital Science: Reproducibility and Visibility in Astronomy
DATE: 13 September 2013
AUTHORS: Sanchez-Expósito, S., Martin, P., Ruiz, J.E., Ortega, E., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Ruiz-Falcó, A., Garrido, J., Santander-Vela, JdD, Sirvent, R., Tejedor, E., Badia, R.M. and Lorenzana, J.
TITLE: PDF File Deploying astronomical workflows in heterogeneous distributed computing infrastructures
MEETING: IWSG 2013 - International Workshop on Science Gateways
PLACE: Zurich, Switzerland
DATE: 5 June 2013
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Workflows for Access and Massage VOData
MEETING: 2013 IVOA Spring Interop Meeting
PLACE: Heidelberg, Germay
DATE: 16 May 2013
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D.
TITLE:PDF File Renewable Energy for Radio Astronomy
MEETING: AERAP Workshop: AERAP Framework Platform Discussion Workshop
PLACE: European Parlament, Brussels
DATE: 6th March 2013
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Digital Science: Reproducibility and Visibility in Astronomy
MEETING: ESAC Faculty Seminar
DATE: 18 January 2013
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D.
TITLE:PDF File The Spanish VIA-SKA project an Iberian Industry-Academia example
MEETING: The Square Kilometer Array: a large Scale ESFRI Infrastructure, From the Cosmos to the Ci>es of the future
PLACE: Lisbon, Portugal
DATE: 30 November 2012
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Research Objects and Web Service Characterization
MEETING: 8th VOFrance Workflow WG Meeting
PLACE: Observatoire Paris-Meudon, France
DATE: 29 November 2012
AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D., Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE:PDF File AMIGA: SKA Stage 1: Project Execution Plan, Work Breakdown Structure, & Request for Proposals
MEETING: SKA: Strategic Position and Future Opportunities for Spanish Industry
DATE: 23 November 2012
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D.
TITLE:PDF File VIA-SKA and Spanish participation in the SKA: status, milestones, and the road ahead
MEETING: SKA: Strategic Position and Future Opportunities for Spanish Industry
DATE: 23 November 2012
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L., AMIGA and Wf4Ever Teams
TITLE:PDF File  e-Science for the SKA (Wf4Ever: Supporting Reuse and Reproducibility in Experimental Science)
MEETING: Advanced radio interferometry, commissioning skills and preparation for the SKA
PLACE: Manchester, UK
DATE: 15 November 2012
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Research Objects in Wf4Ever
MEETING: 2012 IVOA Fall Interop Meeting
PLACE: Sao Paolo, Brazil
DATE: 23 October 2012
AUTHORS: Garrido, J. on behalf of the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Wf4Ever: AstroTaverna 
MEETING: 2012 IVOA Fall Interop Meeting
PLACE: Sao Paolo, Brazil
DATE: 23 October 2012
AUTHORS: Garrido, J.
TITLE: PDF File PDL services integration in Taverna
MEETING: 2012 IVOA Fall Interop Meeting
PLACE: Sao Paolo, Brazil
DATE: 23 October 2012
TITLE: PDF File Curation and Characterization of Web Services
MEETING: 2012 IVOA Fall Interop Meeting
PLACE: Sao Paolo, Brazil
DATE: 23 October 2012
AUTHORS: Sánchez, S., Ruiz, J.E., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Garrido, J., Santander-Vela, J. D., and Wf4Ever team.
TITLE: PDF File WF4Ever: Supporting Reuse and Reproducibility in Experimental Science
MEETING: EGI Technical Forum
PLACE: Prague, Czech Republic
DATE: 21 September 2012
AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D., Ruiz, J.E., Sánchez, S., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Garrido, J
TITLE: PDF File e-Science for the Square Kilometre Array
MEETING: IAU 2012 Special Simposium 15: Data Intensive Astronomy
PLACE: Beijing, China
DATE: 29 August 2012
AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D., and Stoehr, F.
TITLE: PDF File How the VO helped building the ALMA Science Archive
MEETING: X Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA)
PLACE: Valencia, Spain
DATE: 10 July 2012
AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S., Ruiz, J.E., Verdes-Montenegro, L.  Garrido, J., Santander-Vela, J.D. and the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File The Astronomy challenge:  How can workflow preservation help?
MEETING:  SHIWA Summer School
PLACE: Budapest, Hungary
DATE: 03 July, 2012
AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S., Ruiz, J.E., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Santander-Vela, J.D., Ruiz-Falcó, A., Badia, R. M., Sirvent, R., Martínez, J.M.
TITLE: PDF File Workflows and infrastructures in the Exaescale era
MEETING:  6ª Reunión plenaria de la Red Española de e-Ciencia
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: May, 2012
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E., Verdes-Montenegro, L., Sánchez Expósito S., Santander-Verla, J.D. 
TITLE: PDF File Wf4Ever: Workflow Preservation
MEETING: 2012 AS OV France
PLACE: Paris, France
DATE: 18 January 2012
AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D.
TITLE: PDF File Workflows for Methodology and Science Preservation
PLACE: Paris, France
DATE: 9 November 2011
TITLE: PDF File Use of CharDM in an archive of velocity cubes
MEETING: Pune 2011 IVOA Fall Interop
PLACE: Pune, India
DATE: 20 October 2011
TITLE: PDF File Workflows in the VO
MEETING: Pune 2011 IVOA Fall Interop
PLACE: Pune, India
DATE: 19 October 2011
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. and the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Workflow Preservation 
MEETING: Pune 2011 IVOA Fall Interop
PLACE: Pune, India
DATE: 17 October 2011
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File The Square Kilometer Array
MEETING:  XXXIII Reunión Bienal de Física de la RSEF
PLACE: Santader, Spain
DATE: September, 2011
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E. 
TITLE: PDF File VO web-services-based astronomy workflows
MEETING: Seminar for the Information Management Group - School of Computer Sciences - Univ. Manchester
PLACE: Manchester, UK
DATE: 13 July 2011
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File UK e-Science. A vision from outer space.
MEETING:  UK e-Science 10 years celebration
PLACE: Oxford, UK
DATE: June, 2011
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File SKA data-deluge: e-Science solutions
MEETING:  Ciencia y oportunidades tecnológicas en la era SKA
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: May, 2011
TITLE: PDF File Web services based workflows to deal with 3D data
MEETING: The Growing Demands on Connectivity and Information Processing in Radio Astronomy - From VLBI to the SKA
PLACE: Aveiro, Portugal
DATE: 25 May 2011
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E.  and the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Wf4Ever: Curating and preserving collaborative digital experiments
MEETING: Naples 2011 IVOA Spring Interop
PLACE: Naples, Italy
DATE: 19 May 2011
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E.  and the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Wf4Ever: Collaborative digital experiments
MEETING: .Astronomy Conference
PLACE: Oxford, UK
DATE: 04 April 2011
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E.  and the Wf4Ever Team
TITLE: PDF File Wf4Ever: Advanced Workflow Preservation Technologies for Enhanced Science
MEETING: Nara 2010 IVOA Fall Interop
PLACE: Nara, Japan
DATE: 08 December 2010
TITLE: PDF File B0DEGA 3D VO Archive: A prototype service for a catalog of galaxy datacubes
MEETING: Nara 2010 IVOA Fall Interop
PLACE: Nara, Japan
DATE: 07 December 2010
TITLE: PDF File Multidimensional Data in the Virtual Observatory
MEETING: SVO Meeting - IX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: 15 September 2010
AUTHORS: Sánchez-Expósito, S.
TITLE: PDF File Gestión y flujo de trabajo en Grid
MEETING: Curso CSIC Iniciación a las Tecnologías Grid
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: 08--12 Marzo 2010
AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S.
TITLE: PDF File Pasos previos para el acceso al Grid
MEETING: Curso CSIC Iniciación a las Tecnologías Grid
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: 08--12 Marzo 2010
AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S.
TITLE: PDF File Arquitectura del WLCG/EGEE
MEETING: Curso CSIC Iniciación a las Tecnologías Grid
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: 08--12 Marzo 2010
TITLE: PDF File El Observatorio Virtual
MEETING: III Reunión de e-Ciencia Andaluza
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: 19--20 January 2010
AUTHORS: Sabater, J., Sánchez Expósito S., and Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File Integración del software STARLIGHT en el GRID
MEETING: III Reunión Plenaria de la Red Española de e-Ciencia
PLACE: Valencia, Spain
DATE: 29 Octubre 2009
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File Radio-VO developments of AMIGA within the context of ALMA
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: 23--25 September 2009
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File ALMA 3D: Analysis, visualization and VO tools for datacubes
MEETING: Impact of ALMA on the spanish extragalactic astronomy
PLACE: IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain
DATE: 11--13 February 2009
AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D.
TITLE:PDF File Data Models for Radio Astronomy
MEETING: Multiwavelength Astronomy and VO Workshop
PUBLICATION: PDF File Proceedings
PLACE: ESAC - Villafranca del Castillo, Spain
DATE: 1st--3rd December 2008
AUTHORS: Santander-Vela, J.D.
TITLE: PDF File Data Provenance in the VO
MEETING: Fall 2008 IVOA InterOp
PLACE: STSci Institute, Baltimore, MD
DATE: 27--31 October 2008
AUTHORS: Sánchez Expósito, S., Ruedas, J.
TITLE: PDF File  Organización Virtual y Testbed
MEETING: II Reunión sobre e-Ciencia Andaluza
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: 16 October 2008
TITLE: PDF File Archivo en el radiotelescopio IRAM-30m y el Observatorio Virtual
MEETING: II Reunión sobre e-Ciencia Andaluza (e-CA)
PLACE: Granada, Spain
DATE: 16 October 2008
AUTHORS: Ruiz, J.E., Santander-Vela, J.D., García, E., Espigares, V., Leon, S., Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File Actividades de software VO dentro del grupo AMIGA
MEETING: VIII Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society
PUBLICATION: PDF File Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics V, Proceedings of the eighth Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) (Springer)
PLACE: Santander, Spain
DATE: 7--11 July 2008
AUTHORS: Verdes-Montenegro, L.
TITLE: PDF File ALMA 3D: VO-compliant archive and datacube analysis
MEETING: RIA Workshop, Spanish Exploitation of ALMA
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: 18 June, 2008
AUTHORS: Espada, D., Matsushita, S., Liu, S.Y. et al.
TITLE:PDF File Phase Calibration at the SMA
MEETING: RIA Workshop, Spanish Exploitation of ALMA
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: 18 June, 2008
TITLE:PDF File How to Publish Data in the VO with DM Mapper
MEETING: ESAC EURO-VO Workshop: How to publish data in the VO
PLACE: Madrid, Spain
DATE: 25 June, 2007