AMIGA : Reproducible science

The high degree of specialization of current research, large data volumes or the complexity of e-infrastructures has an immense impact in the very co

The high degree of specialization of current research, large data volumes or the complexity of e-infrastructures has an immense impact in the very core of scientific research: the Scientific Method. Falsifiability of scientific research is consequently unachievable in the measure it should be. The scientific community, this including the astronomical one, has not yet developed its full potential to capture the whole experimental protocol while allowing reproducibility and sharing of methods. As discussed by M. A. Edwards and S. Roy "The fate of the world depends as never before on good trustworthy science to solve our problems. Will we be there?” (see Academic Research in the 21st Century: Maintaining Scientific Integrity in a Climate of Perverse Incentives and Hypercompetition Marc A. Edwards* and Siddhartha Roy). Moving the shift from the spectacularity of the results to the quality of the methods, the base of Science, seems crucial. As published in "Is there a reproducibility crisis?" more than 70% of the 1,576 researchers who filled Nature's survey on reproducibility in research have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments. The problem is discussed in detail in "A manifesto for reproducible science" (Munafo et al, Nature Human Behaviour 1, 21, 2017). AMIGA team shares these concerns, which act as drivers of our projects. AstroTaverna - Building workflows with Virtual Observatory services Love for science or academic prostitution? Digital Science: reproducibility and visibility in Astronomy Structuring research methods and data (ROs) SKA-Link project Participation in the SKA Regional Center Coordination Group ¿Son las métricas actuales útiles para la Ciencia?

Reproducible science

The high degree of specialization of current research, large data volumes or the complexity of e-infrastructures has an immense impact in the very core of scientific research: the Scientific Method. Falsifiability of scientific research is consequently unachievable in the measure it should be. The scientific community, this including the astronomical one, has not yet developed its full potential to capture the whole experimental protocol while allowing reproducibility and sharing of methods. As discussed by M. A. Edwards and S. Roy "The fate of the world depends as never before on good trustworthy science to solve our problems. Will we be there?” (see Academic Research in the 21st Century: Maintaining Scientific Integrity in a Climate of Perverse Incentives and Hypercompetition Marc A. Edwards* and Siddhartha Roy). Moving the shift from the spectacularity of the results to the quality of the methods, the base of Science, seems crucial. As published in "Is there a reproducibility crisis?"  more than 70% of the 1,576 researchers who filled Nature's survey on reproducibility in research have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments. The problem is discussed in detail in "A manifesto for reproducible science" (Munafo et al, Nature Human Behaviour 1, 21, 2017). AMIGA team shares these concerns, which act as drivers of our projects.