AMIGA : Organized events

SKA-Link face-to-face meeting Organiser 17th Oct 2018 Final meeting to define a set of best practices for SKA Regional Centres RIA Conference Physics

SKA-Link face-to-face meeting Organiser 17th Oct 2018 Final meeting to define a set of best practices for SKA Regional Centres RIA Conference Physics opportunities with a new universe's view: the SKA radio Telescope SOC. 6-7 Nov 2017. Valencia, Spain. SKA Regional Centre Coordination Group LOC 16th Oct 2017 Meeting of the Coordination Group, established by the SKA Office, to define the characteristics and requirements of the SKA Regional Centres First AENEAS All-hands meeting LOC. 18-20 Oct 2017. IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain. Time and Measurement Workshop SOC and LOC. 6-8 June 2017. IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain. SKA-Link kick-off meeting Organizers. 3-4 April 2017. IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain. Plenary Session about the SKA at the Spanish Astronomical Society biannual meeting Co-organizers. 18-22 July 2016. Bilbao, Spain. Spanish SKA Industry day Co-organizers. 23-25 Feb 2016. Madrid, Almería, Granada RIA Conference Spanish SKA day Organizers. 23 Nov 2014. IAA-CSIC. Granada. This meeting gathered all Spanish enterprises, scientific institutes and technological centers that work or are willing to work in the SKA project. The objective was to present a scientific and technical view of the SKA project, focused on the Spanish participation. Workshop SKA: Strategic Position and Future Opportunities for Spanish Industry Organizers. 30 Nov 2012. Madrid, CSIC Co-organizers of IAU General Assembly Special Session 3: Galaxy evolution through secular processes SOC. 20-24 Aug 2012. Beijing, China The Power Challenges of Mega-Science Infrastructures: the example of SKA SOC. 20-21 June 2012. Moura (Portugal), Sanlúcar la Mayor, Spain. RIA Conference Science and technical opportunities in the SKA era CSIC, Madrid 9-10 May 2011 In this RIA (Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomía) meeting, it was planned to cover all aspects on SKA as well as its impact in astronomy: organization, design, techniques, key science projects, SKA pathfinders (ASKAP, MeerKAT, LOFAR), synergies with other instruments in the SKA era, etc, while bringing together scientist with first-hand knowledge in every area of the SKA. Possibilities and opportunities for the spanish community associated to this project have been discussed. III Reunión e-Ciencia Andaluza Granada, IAA - CSIC Jan. 19-20, 2010 International Conference on Isolated Galaxies Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture Granada May 12-15, 2009 Isolated samples of galaxies provide a context within which environmental effects can be evaluated and quantified. The proposed conference brought together researchers studying isolated samples and those trying to interpret evidence for galaxy evolution at redshifts from z = 0 to high redshifts. Proceedings on ASP Conference Series Volumes Deadline 15th September 2009 RIA Conference Impact of ALMA on the Spanish Extragalactic Astronomy Granada, IAA - CSIC Feb. 11-13, 2009 The main purpose of this meeting, funded by the RIA (Network Infrastructure in Astronomy), was to bring together the Spanish extragalactic scientific community potentially interested in ALMA in order to present and discuss their ideas about how this interferometer may complement their current projects. Posters contributions 24MB Oral contributions 155MB II Reunión e-Ciencia Andaluza Granada, IAA - CSIC Oct. 16-17, 2008 I Reunión e-Ciencia Andaluza Granada, IAA - CSIC June 19-20, 2007

Organized events

SKA-Link face-to-face meeting
17th Oct 2018
Final meeting to define a set of best practices for SKA Regional Centres
RIA Conference
Physics opportunities with a new universe's view: the SKA radio Telescope
6-7 Nov 2017. Valencia, Spain.
SKA Regional Centre Coordination Group
16th Oct 2017
Meeting of the Coordination Group, established by the SKA Office, to define the characteristics and requirements of the SKA Regional Centres
First AENEAS All-hands meeting
18-20 Oct 2017. IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain.
Time and Measurement Workshop
SOC and LOC.
6-8 June 2017. IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain.
SKA-Link kick-off meeting
3-4 April 2017. IAA-CSIC, Granada, Spain.
Plenary Session about the SKA at the Spanish Astronomical Society biannual meeting
18-22 July 2016. Bilbao, Spain.
Spanish SKA Industry day
23-25 Feb 2016. Madrid, Almería, Granada
RIA Conference
Spanish SKA day
23 Nov 2014. IAA-CSIC. Granada.

This meeting gathered all Spanish enterprises, scientific institutes and technological centers that work or are willing to work in the SKA project. The objective was to present a scientific and technical view of the SKA project, focused on the Spanish participation.
Workshop SKA: Strategic Position and Future Opportunities for Spanish Industry
30 Nov 2012. Madrid, CSIC
Co-organizers of IAU General Assembly Special Session 3: Galaxy evolution through secular processes
20-24 Aug 2012. Beijing, China
The Power Challenges of Mega-Science Infrastructures: the example of SKA
20-21 June 2012. Moura (Portugal), Sanlúcar la Mayor, Spain.
RIA Conference
Science and technical opportunities in the SKA era
CSIC, Madrid
9-10 May 2011

In this RIA (Red de Infraestructuras de Astronomía) meeting, it was planned to cover all aspects on SKA as well as its impact in astronomy: organization, design, techniques, key science projects, SKA pathfinders (ASKAP, MeerKAT, LOFAR), synergies with other instruments in the SKA era, etc, while bringing together scientist with first-hand knowledge in every area of the SKA. Possibilities and opportunities for the spanish community associated to this project have been discussed.
III Reunión e-Ciencia Andaluza
Granada, IAA - CSIC
Jan. 19-20, 2010
International Conference on Isolated Galaxies
Galaxies in Isolation: Exploring Nature vs. Nurture
May 12-15, 2009

Isolated samples of galaxies provide a context within which environmental effects can be evaluated and quantified. The proposed conference brought together researchers studying isolated samples and those trying to interpret evidence for galaxy evolution at redshifts from z = 0 to high redshifts.

Proceedings on ASP Conference Series Volumes
Deadline 15th September 2009
RIA Conference
PDF File Impact of ALMA on the Spanish Extragalactic Astronomy
Granada, IAA - CSIC
Feb. 11-13, 2009

The main purpose of this meeting, funded by the RIA (Network Infrastructure in Astronomy), was to bring together the Spanish extragalactic scientific community potentially interested in ALMA in order to present and discuss their ideas about how this interferometer may complement their current projects.
Posters contributions 24MB
Oral contributions 155MB
II Reunión e-Ciencia Andaluza
Granada, IAA - CSIC
Oct. 16-17, 2008
I Reunión e-Ciencia Andaluza
Granada, IAA - CSIC
June 19-20, 2007