AMIGA : Previous projects

Creación de una infraestructura de e-Ciencia Andaluza (e-CA): the first bottom-up Spanish regional initiative to push e-Science developments.

Creación de una infraestructura de e-Ciencia Andaluza (e-CA): the first bottom-up Spanish regional initiative to push e-Science developments. It was funded by the Junta de Andalucía as a Projecto de excelencia (TIC-02302) from 2007 to 2010. Advanced Workflow Preservation Technologies Preservation for Enhanced Science (WF4Ever): a EU-funded project (FP7-270192) that developed standards, models and tools for the preservation of scientific workflows, contributing to the development of the Research Object concept. This project run from 2010 to 2013 and was evaluated as one of the most successful EU projects, with significant impact to the scientific community. Ciencia Abierta en la Nube (CANUBE). Funded by the University of Granada (CEI2013-P-14) during 2013, it aimed to promote the Open Science, by disseminating open science models, encouraging the development of open software and workflows, and their execution on the Cloud, as a way for sharing the scientific knowledge. Estudio de la viabilidad española de la participación industrial española en el Square Kilometre Array (VIA-SKA). Funded by the Spanish Ministry MINECO from 2011 to 2014, this project, as major output, produced a report with the capacity map of the Spanish industry to participate in the SKA construction. AMIGA for GTC, ALMA and SKA precursors (AMIGA4GAS). This is the 4th in a series of projects that are funding AMIGA group since 2002. It belongs to the Astronomy and Astrophysics program of basic research of the funded by the Spanish Ministry MINECO. BIOSTIRLING-4SKA. This is a FP7 project (FP7-309028) to design and develop solar power generation systems, composed by dishes with Stirling engines, bio-hybrid energy collector, and efficient storage at the industrial scale. The system was designed so that it could be scaled to support part of SKA power needs. Calibration of LOFAR ELAIS-N1 data in the Amazon cloud. This is a project granted in the AstroCompute in the Cloud call by Amazon Web Services and the SKA Office, to study how to adapt a pipeline for calibrating data from LOFAR to Amazon Web Service coud system.

Previous projects

  • Advanced Workflow Preservation Technologies Preservation for Enhanced Science (WF4Ever): a EU-funded project (FP7-270192) that developed standards, models and tools for the preservation of scientific workflows, contributing to the development of the Research Object concept. This project run from 2010 to 2013 and was evaluated as one of the most successful EU projects, with significant impact to the scientific community.
  • Ciencia Abierta en la Nube (CANUBE). Funded by the University of Granada (CEI2013-P-14) during 2013, it aimed to promote the Open Science, by disseminating open science models, encouraging the development of open software and workflows, and their execution on the Cloud, as a way for sharing the scientific knowledge.
  • AMIGA for GTC, ALMA and SKA precursors (AMIGA4GAS). This is the 4th in a series of projects that are funding AMIGA group since 2002. It belongs to the Astronomy and Astrophysics program of basic research of the funded by the Spanish Ministry MINECO.
  • BIOSTIRLING-4SKA. This is a FP7 project (FP7-309028) to design and develop solar power generation systems, composed by dishes with Stirling engines, bio-hybrid energy collector, and efficient storage at the industrial scale. The system was designed so that it could be scaled to support part of SKA power needs.